Earn Codes Overview and Enablement


An Earn Code is a unique identifier used to categorize the types of transactions associated with an employee, such as but not limited to:

  • Rate: Weekend, REG, OT pay
  • Dollars: Bonus, Per Diems, Background Check
  • Units: Quantity of reported transactions

Earn Codes ensure that employees are paid correctly and the customer is billed correctly. They can be entered by the employee, generated automatically, or modified by an administrator.

Create an Earn Code Template for Earn Codes that are frequently used together. Users can select the template when creating a new Rate Card instead of each Earn Code individually.

Earn Code Set Up Guidelines

Follow these Earn Code Set Up Guidelines to ensure the Bullhorn ATS to Bullhorn Time & Expense and Bullhorn to Quickbooks integrations function correctly.

  • Do not rename or modify the default Earn Codes. The default Earn Codes are Reg, OT, and DT. These are base codes within Bullhorn ATS and Bullhorn Time & Expense. They should not be renamed or modified. All other earn codes are set up based on client requirements.
  • None of the earn codes should be coded as “Worked.” This is a reserved word used by Time & Expense and using it improperly will prevent data from flowing from Time & Expense to Bullhorn.

Earn Code Usage Guidelines

All transactions originating from Bullhorn ATS and Bullhorn Time & Expense must have an Earn Code assigned. This includes the following types of records:

  • Manually entered or system-generated payable and billable transactions.
  • Taxes, surcharges, and discounts on invoices and payable and billable charges.
  • Rate card line items.

Earn Code Configuration


Menu and Action Entitlements give user types the ability to View, Add, and Edit Earn Codes and Earn Code Templates. If you believe you are missing an entitlement contact Bullhorn Support.

System Settings

Navigate to Menu > Admin > System Settings to select the default Earn Code group.

System Setting: defaultEarnCodeGroup

Title: Default Earn Code Group ID for a Rate Card

Default Value: 0

Entity Titles

Navigate to Menu > Admin > Entity Titles to change the display of Earn Code related labels.

Field Maps Earn Codes

The Field Maps list the fields available to the Earn Code List and Add/Edit Earn Code page. Navigate to Menu > Admin > Field Mappings > Earn Code to make updates.

View Layout

View Layout controls the columns displayed on the Earn Codes List. Navigate to Menu > Admin > View Layout > Earn Code to update these.