Earn Code Integration with Bullhorn Time & Expense


An Earn Code is a unique identifier used to categorize the types of transactions associated with an employee, such as but not limited to:

  • Rate: Weekend, REG, OT pay
  • Dollars: Bonus, Per Diems, Background Check
  • Units: Quantity of reported transactions

Earn Codes ensure that employees are paid correctly and the customer is billed correctly. They can be entered by the employee, generated automatically, or modified by an administrator.

Create an Earn Code Template for Earn Codes that are frequently used together. Users can select the template when creating a new Rate Card instead of each Earn Code individually.

This article explains the Earn Code sync between Bullhorn ATS and Bullhorn Time & Expense (BTE) and what to do if the codes do not sync automatically.

Before you Begin

In order for Time & Expense transactions to be processed properly, Earn Codes must be synced from the ATS Earn Codes list to the BTE Adjustment Codes list.

The steps below are specifically for environments using Rate Cards. If Rate Cards are not enabled, you will need to add Adjustment Codes manually to BTE, ensuring they match the Earn Codes in Bullhorn ATS. See Manage Adjustment Codes for steps outlining how to manually add Adjustment Codes and Change Adjustment Code Sort Order to change the order Adjustment Codes appear in.


  1. Ensure the Earn Codes are set up properly in Bullhorn One.
  2. The new Adjustment Codes do not automatically sync to BTE. Contact Bullhorn One Support to have them pull the new codes into BTE.