Managing Earn Codes

An Earn Code is a unique identifier used to categorize the types of transactions associated with an employee, such as but not limited to:

  • Rate: Weekend, REG, OT pay
  • Dollars: Bonus, Per Diems, Background Check
  • Units: Quantity of reported transactions

Earn Codes ensure that employees are paid correctly and the customer is billed correctly. They can be entered by the employee, generated automatically, or modified by an administrator.

Create an Earn Code Template for Earn Codes that are frequently used together. Users can select the template when creating a new Rate Card instead of each Earn Code individually.

This article will walk you through how to edit earn codes in the event that they change or were entered incorrectly. This will ensure the candidate is properly paid and the client is billed correctly.

Before You Begin

Earn Codes are setup for your entire Bullhorn One instance. They are not limited by Private Label or Department.

Managing Earn Codes is typically a system or billing administrator function. Users who have the Edit Earn Code entitlement will be able to edit Earn Code records.

Please contact Bullhorn Support to review and adjust your action entitlements.


These steps outline how to edit and deactivate existing Earn Codes. You may need to edit an existing earn code if information was entered incorrectly or a code needs updating. Earn Codes can be set to inactive if the code will no longer be used.

Editing an Earn Code

  1. Navigate to the Menu > Admin > Earn Codes.
  2. Click on the Title of the earn code you need to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button in the top right corner.
  4. Edit the earn code.
  5. Click Save.

Setting an Earn Code to Inactive

Earn Codes can not be deleted. They can be set to Inactive in order to keep any historical data using the earn code accurate.

  1. Navigate to the Menu > Admin > Earn Codes.
  2. Click the Title of the earn code you want to set to Inactive.
  3. Click Edit in the top right hand corner.
  4. Set Status to Inactive .
  5. Click Save.