Creating eDocs

Core eDocs are used for forms applicable to all clients in an instance that all clients would use. Examples of Core eDocs are Direct Deposit Forms and Healthcare Forms.

Client eDocs are used for forms specific to one client and categories. Examples include Dress Code Policy Forms and Confidentiality Agreements.

FormClosed Any document that needs to be completed and signed by a Candidate creation and management allows self service flexibility for any admin users in BH Onboarding. Utilize the documentation in this section for instruction on best practices. BH Support is here to help with any questions about existing forms. To have BH Onboarding create forms for you, please contact your Account Manager for a quote.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Configuration > Forms.
  2. In the Form ManagerClosed The tool for building digital Forms menu, next to the appropriate form type, select the green plus (+) icon.
  3. Enter the Form Name, which can be edited at any time.
    • Forms are ordered in the sidebar alphabetically, not by type. To group forms in the sidebar, consider using a group prefix as part of the naming convention.
    • Form names that are too long will not sure the full name in the sidebar unless they are hovered over with your mouse.
  4. Click Upload PDF form and attach the corresponding PDF.
  5. Toggle on the following fields as needed.
  • Enabling these sections will allow relevant fields on the PDF to be added without manually creating a custom field for a frequently used field type.
  • These fields will populate the candidate’s data from the candidate profile.
  • These fields can be turned off or on as needed.
  2. When asked Are you sure you would like to submit this form? select YES
  3. Place a Signature or Initials field on the PDF and select Continue. See the PDF Editor article for information on placing fields.
  4. Check to see that the Form File ID has been created. If it isn't then refresh the page to check again. The form might not show as validated until a refresh of the page.

  5. Enter any form instructions. These will display in the form header to candidates as they complete forms.
  6. Click Add Form FieldClosed Any piece of information on a Form that the Candidate can fill out to add a custom field.
  7. In Short Description, create a unique name for the field. 
    • Each field must have a unique name (identifier). The identifier must be unique across all forms, not just the current form.
    • No special characters can be used in the field name, except an underscore.

      • To make it easier when selecting fields from the drop-down to add to the PDF, use an abbreviated name of the form followed by and underscore and a digit.
        • Example: Direct Deposit could be added as dd_1_bank name
      • If the word “date” is used in the field’s unique identifier, the form builder will automatically format it as YYYY/MM/DD. As a workaround, use “d8” instead of “date” in the field name.

  8. Select the intended source of the field:
    • Candidate: Collect information from the person applying for the job.
    • Requester: Collect information from an admin or recruiter.
    • State: Do not use; only relevant for State forms.
  9. Select the field type. Short Answer text fields display by default. See the Form Field Types article for a complete list.
  10. Enter Question and response options, if appropriate.
    • Html tags, such as <b></b> , <br>, <li></li>, can be used to add formatting to form text in the Question field.
    • If you’re adding a field that has multiple options (e.g., checkbox, drop-down, etc.), Talent Platform will automatically create a unique identifier for the field option. You may wish to edit this name to keep it brief and easy to find.
  11. Select the field configuration.
    • Required: The candidate must provide a response and cannot save the page until filled.
    • Mask Field: Hide the data after entry (e.g., for Social Security number).
    • Exclude from eDoc: candidate must respond, but there is no corresponding field on the PDF.

    All fields not marked as “Exclude from eDoc” must be mapped into a location in the PDF. If they are not mapped, they will display in the error message when validating the form.

  12. Click Create.
  13. Repeat steps 7-13 as needed.
  14. Set any additional form configurations. The form configurations listed above do not display when you initially create the form. These configurations show after you’ve saved the form:
    • Form Enabled: Allows users to complete forms. Forms that aren’t enabled will show in the Disabled Forms section of the Forms Manager.
    • Emp download: Allows the candidate to download a PDF of the form.
    • Private: Only admins will be able to see it when form data is sent back to Bullhorn. You must have Enable Private Templates turned on in System Settings > Onboarding.
    • Attach to Background Screening Orders: Form will automatically be included in background screening packages sent to candidates.
    • Disable ATS Sync: Prevents the form from syncing with the ATS but the fields can still be leveraged in Field Mappings to send the information to the ATS. The completed signed form will not be in the files for the applicant in the ATS.
    • Include Work History Fields, Education History Fields, Placement Fields, Professional Reference Fields, and candidate Custom Fields: Edit settings for enabling or disabling specific fields.
    • Use LocationClosed A branch of the Company, which can be customized with a logo and brand colors Info: Generally not used.
      • Never (default): Use information from company record.
      • Always: Use information from associated user's location.
      • When has own EIN: Use information from associated user's location, but only if EIN is different.
      • ApplicantClosed (or Candidate or Talent) Customer talent - the person applying or hired for the job: Use Information from applicant’s home location.It goes to user's location if none if set.
      • Use Placement location: Use information from location associated with placement. It goes to user's location if none if set.

    A form will not validate until all custom fields (that do not use the Exclude from eDoc setting) are placed.