Quizzes Best Practices

  • Ensure the PDF contains areas to place each response option.
    • Examples:
      • A True and False field should have response options below the question to select either True or False.
      • A drop-down field would have an area where the field could be placed and then display the chosen answer.
  • Limit quiz response option to close-ended options. Allowing candidates to enter text will create validation issues if the candidate does not format the text as an exact match to what is entered in the response field.
    • The recommended field types to use are:

      • Yes/No: Use this field type for simple Yes/No answers.
      • Radio Group: Use this field type to list multiple choice where only once answer is correct.
      • Checkbox Group: Use this field type to list multiple choice where more than one answer can be selected.
  • Test the quiz as a candidate (see Testing Forms in the Managing Forms article).