Dashboards Overview


This article contains information on the different dashboards within Exchange. Dashboards allow administrators access to a range of useful stats and management tools. Each view is customized to provide specialized details. To navigate the dashboard, simply select the topic you want to review.

Some options may not be present on all dashboards.

Dashboard Options

Auto Run

If you select Auto Run, any files present will be processed using template settings.

This option is present on most Exchange Dashboards.

Upload File

Select Upload File to manually upload a file from your local pc to be processed.

This option is present on most Exchange Dashboards.

Date Range

While each dashboard displays different details, you may use the Date Range filter on most Exchange Dashboards to narrow details to display for a targeted period of time.

Enter your targeted date range in the fields provided and select Filter to limit your dashboard details for that range.

Dashboard Definitions

Files Received - Displays a number of files received in the current and previous week.

Files Processed - Displays a percentage of files processed in the current and previous week.

Employees/Assignments - Displays a number of employees/assignments for the current and previous week.

Hours Processed - Displays a number of hours processed for the current and previous week.

Unresolved File Issues - Displays a count for the number of unresolved file issues in the current and previous week.

Filter Options

Learn about the available filtering options on the dashboard. These options may temporarily change the information that is displayed on your dashboard.

Template Name

You may update the display list based on Template Name. Open the menu and make a selection from the list to narrow your view to files or a specific template name only.

  • By default, All Templates will display.


Use the client menu to configure your dashboard details view.

  • Select All Clients to view file activity details for all clients within your agency.
  • Otherwise, you may select a client from the menu to view details for that client only.


Use the processor menu to configure your dashboard details view.

  • If you want to review details for just one processor, select that processor's name from the menu.
  • Otherwise select All Processors to view details for the entire group of processors.


  • If you want to sort dashboard details by the processing status of a file, select either Unprocessed or Processed from the menu.
  • If you want to view dashboard details for all files regardless of status, select All.


Provides details on the total number of employees and hours per file that have been fully processed.


Provides details on the total number of employees and hours per file that have not yet been processed.

Completion Status

Indicates the percentage to completion status per file.

Notify Contact

Follow these steps if you want to send a reminder to a contact to resolve file issues:

  1. Select the Message icon .
  2. Select the recipient from the list.
  3. If necessary, edit the text that appears in the Message field.
  4. Open the Unmatched Items tab to review any details related to file issues.
  5. When you are ready to send the notification, select Send Message.

Select to manually send an additional reminder.