Pendo General Troubleshooting


This article contains information on how to troubleshoot general issues you may experience with using the Pendo Clock.


Pendo Base

Before you are able to remove the Pendo clock from its base for trouble shooting, you may need to unlock the clock from the base. Use the key that came with the clock to unlock from the top of the base.


Many Pendo clock issues can be resolved by rebooting the clock. There are two ways to do this:

  • From Manager Mode, select the Reboot Terminal option.
  • Unplug the clock from the power supply for about 10 seconds and then plug it back in.

Keys Not Responding

If keys are not responding, make sure that none of the keys are sticking or engaged. Press each key on the device and make sure that it releases back to the original (disengaged) position. If keys continue to stick in and are not responsive, the clock should be replaced.

Keys Have Fallen Off the Keypad

If keys have fallen off or been removed, the entire clock unit must be replaced. Keys cannot be replaced individually at the client site.

Display is Powered Off or Dark

  1. Make sure that the device is securely plugged into an outlet in the wall. If possible, test the outlet with another device. If the alternate device doesn’t power on when plugged in, there may be a problem with that outlet, so try moving the entire clock to another power source and plug it in again. If the device powers on in the new location, this indicates that there may be a problem with the original power source.
  2. If the alternate device powers on in the original location, there may be a problem with the hardware behind the clock or the clock itself. Remove the clock from its base and examine the connection to the bottom of the clock. Identify any “Triple-tap” or similar power strips that may be in the base. If a power strip is in use and connections appear secure, try plugging the clock directly into the power source in the wall. If the clock powers up at that point, there may be a problem with the power strip. Place an order for a replacement power strip with Shipping.
  3. If the clock still will not power on after completing the above troubleshooting steps, place an order for a replacement clock.

Comm Failure Auto Reboot

The Pendo may display this message if it failed to reboot following a communication failure. To resolve, unplug the clock from the power supply for at least 10 seconds and then plug it back in.

The Pendo should return to the standard time & date screen if the reboot was successful.

Diagnostic Mode

If the clock displays Diagnostic View Network instead the time and date screen, the device is in Diagnostic Mode.

  • To resolve this, scroll down until you see an option that allows you to exit diagnostic mode.

Clock Not Communicating

  1. Unplug the clock for 10 seconds and plug it back in. While the clock reboots, watch the screen closely for any error messages that may display.
  2. Go into Manager Mode on the device and perform a Pendo Clock Network Test .
    • If the test passes, perform a Force Check In. Any missing punches should typically show up in Bullhorn Time & Expense within 10 minutes.
    • If the clock fails the Network Test, the clock is not sending punch details. Reach out to Bullhorn Time & Expense support.