Pendo Clock Punch IN-OUT Scenarios


This article contains the different workflow scenarios you will encounter when using the Pendo clock.

Basic Punch IN-OUT Scenarios

Main Display



Mon 09/22 07:32a

Press IN or OUT

Main display screen. Time refreshes every 20 seconds.

Press green IN to punch IN; Press red OUT to punch OUT.

Punch-IN Flow

Mon 09/22 07:32a

Press IN or OUT

Press the green IN Button to Punch IN

Enter Pin


The prompt defaults to "ENTER PIN".

The prompt can be configured per time clock.

The PIN length can be 4 to 16 digits.



YES or NO?

Name confirmation appears.

YES will select the employee name displayed.

NO will move to next employee if multiple employees have the same PIN.



If there are no employees with the PIN, the screen will display "NO MATCH" and an error

beep will sound. This screen will clear in 3 seconds.


Mon 09/22 07:32


If employee has only one department, the employee is punched in.

A confirmation beep will sound.

Dept Name(Short)

YES or NO?

If employee is assigned to multiple departments, they will be prompted to choose. The employee can move between departments with the up and down keys or the NO key.

The YES key will select the department displayed.

Punch IN Variation

Already IN

Wait 14.0 mins.

If PUNCH IN restrictions are in place, the employee may get an "Already IN" or “Punch Blocked” message. The amount of minutes displayed depends on the settings and time elapsed from the last punch for that employee.

Punch IN with Open Departments

Enter Dept ID:


If open departments feature is used, the employee is prompted to enter a department number, and then to confirm the selection.

The department number length is parameter driven.

Dept Name(Short)

Confirm Dept Y/N

YES will punch employee in with this department.

NO will return to the "Enter Dept ID:" prompt.

Punch- OUT Flow

Mon 09/22 05:32p

Press IN or OUT

Press the red OUT button to punch OUT.


Enter PIN:


The punch OUT prompt defaults to "ENTER PIN". The prompt can be configured per time clock.

The PIN length can be 4 to 16 digits.


YES or NO?

Name confirmation appears.

YES will select the employee name displayed.

NO will move to next employee if multiple employees have the same PIN.



If there are no employees with the PIN, the screen will display "NO MATCH" and

an error beep will sound. This screen will clear in 3 seconds.

CLOCKED OUT Mon 09/22 05:32p

Employee is punched out and the out time is displayed.



Punch- OUT Variation


If “Text Time Card” feature is used, the employee is

prompted to answer YES or NO after punching out.

  • Press YES to send text message to employee’s cell phone.
  • Press NO to skip this step. This message will time out in 3 seconds.


If YES is selected and the employee has not entered a cell phone number,

the time clock will prompt the employee for a cell phone number.

The cell phone number is saved and a text message is sent.



If “Print Time Card” feature is used, the employee is prompted

to answer YES or NO after punching out.

  • Press YES to print the time card to the receipt printer attached.
  • Press NO to skip this step.

This message will time out in 3 seconds.


Employee Info

Mon 09/22 07:32a

Press IN or OUT

Press the INFO button to view Time Summary, Last Punch, etc.

Enter PIN:


"Info" prompt defaults to settings used for the Clock IN flow.

Employee PIN is the same one used to punch IN and OUT.


If there are no employees with the PIN, the screen will display "NO MATCH"

and an error beep will sound. This screen will clear in 3 seconds.

Show Summary?


Show summary will display the total hours plus any PTO / Sick balances.

Print Current Time Card


If a Printer is attached this feature is used, the employee is prompted

to answer YES or NO.

  • Press YES to print the current week’s time card to the attached printer.
  • Press NO to skip this step. This message will time out in 10 seconds.

Print Previous Time Card


If a Printer is attached this feature is used, the employee is prompted

to answer YES or NO.

  • Press YES to print the previous week’s time card to the attached printer.
  • Press NO to skip this step. This message will time out in 10 seconds.

Text Time Card?

YES or NO?

If "Text Time Card" feature is used, the employee is prompted

to answer YES or NO.

  • Press YES to text this week’s time card to the employee's mobile phone.
  • Press NO to skip this step.

This message will time out in 10 seconds.

Change Cell No?


Press YES to change cell phone number.

Pendo Clock

Manager Mode

Press the Manager Mode key to access the Setup Menu.

Press the Next key to scroll through the menu.

Network Test


Tests the communication of the clock on a given network and determines if the clock is able to send punch data to Bullhorn Time & Expense.

Network Setup


Press ENTER to set DHCP, or (if STATIC), set IP address, SUBNET Mask, Gateway address, and DNS information.

Wi-Fi Setup

Allows user to configure Wi-Fi settings. Turn On Wi-Fi, Set SSID, Turn Off Wi-Fi and more.

View Network

Views the current network IP address, SUBNET Mask, and Gateway address.

Sync Time

Forces the time clock to synchronize time with a remote time server. Can resolve some incorrect time display issues.


Change Term ID

Allows user to change the Terminal ID and reload the time clock.

  • Note: This should only be done after performing a Force Check In and sending all punches away from the clock. This option will clear all data and completely reload the terminal.

Show Config

Displays various settings on the clock that may be useful for remote support. Mac Address, PIN Length, Terminal ID, Time Zone, and many more options are viewable in this menu.

Change Mgr PIN

Allows user to change the manager PIN.

Force INIT

Forces the time clock to INITIALIZE and pick up any updated data from the Bullhorn Time & Expense host.

Force Check IN

Forces the time clock to check with host. Can be used to manually send punches away from the clock.


Reboots the time clock.

Upgrade Clock

Forces clock to upgrade to latest version of software.

Shutdown Clock

Forces a clean clock shutdown.

  • Note: This will remove all employee records and all punch data from the clock.