User Role Options

User Roles determine what a user has access to in the Time Management Console (TMC). You can assign multiple users to a role to give them identical access and create new roles for different access levels. The following options are available in the TMC under Maintenance > Administration > Roles. For information on common Role setting combinations see User Roles.


Setting Description
Password expires after Users password expires due to last log in based off the X amount of days.
Auto-deactivate after Users will automatically be deactivated based of the amount of days you designate.
Show Last 4 SSN Controls if the last four numbers of employees Social Security Number is visible or not.
View Pay Dollars

Controls if users can see Pay amounts in Employee Setup and on Reports.

View Bill Dollars Controls if users can see Bill amounts in Employee Setup and on Reports.

Employee Maintenance

Setting Description
No, View Only, Edit and Add, Edit only, Site/Dept Changes Only with New Add
  • No: Employee Setup doesn’t show at all.
  • View Only: Employee Setup is visible, but no changes can be made.
  • Edit and Add: Users can make changes to current employees and add new employees.
  • Edit Only: Users can only edit current employees.
  • Site/Dept Changes Only with New Add: Allows users to add new employees, but only change existing employee's primary site and departments via the Sites / Depts tab in the Employee Setup.
Include Rates Checkbox If checked, the employees rates will be visible and are used to calculate the Bill and Pay Rates. This should be used in conjunction with Dept Level Rates, showing under Additional Functionality.

Add Clock/Dept Checkbox

If checked, users can add Clock and Department information to the employees setup.

Salary Allocation Used for tracking salaried hours. Not applicable to most Staffing Agencies.

Time Card Screen

Setting Description
Fix Punches Allows users to fix missing punches that may have been recorded.
Shift Diff Changes Allows users to change the shift differentials based of setup in Department Shift Differentials.
Department Changes

Allows users to update department information.

Departments are equal to Assignments. If an employee does not enter time under the correct Department, they have to re-open the period and update the information.

Void Punches Allows users to void employee punches that were recorded incorrectly or by mistake.
Adjustment Entry
  • No: Can't enter adjustments on employees timesheets.
  • Yes: Can enter adjustments on employee timesheets.
  • New Trans ONLY: Can only enter an adjustment on a timesheet for hours not punched by employee.
OT Allocation Allows users to re-allocate the distribution of Overtime (OT) hours between departments or days for an individual employee.
Allow Move Hours Allows users to move hours from one paycode to another or Department / Assignment to another.
Prevent Negative Adjustments

Allows users to enter new transactions on timesheets to result in a negative adjustment (deducting hours) or total hours.

Pre-Close Adjustments Allows changes to be made after the week is finished, but before the payfile is created.
Transaction After Close

Allows adjustments to be made to employee timesheets when the pay period is already closed.

Allow Closed Period Adjustments

Allows adjustments to be made to employee timesheets when the pay period is already closed.

Allow TimeCard Comment Entry

Allows users to enter comments on employee timesheets for auditing purposes.

Allow UDF Edit
  • No Access: Can't see the UDFs entered by employees.
  • View: Can view the employees UDF submissions, but can't edit them.
  • View/Edit: Can view the UDFs enter by employees and also add/delete a UDF entry.

Allow UDF Template Modification

Allows edits to UDF (User Defined Field) Templates.

Show Pay/Bill on Timecard:

Allows users to see the Pay/Bill calculations for hours on timesheets. This is displayed as 2 columns on the timesheet.

Timecard Proxy

Allows users to use the Proxy feature to access employee timesheets through the employee view.

Allow CRF Edit

  • No Access: Can't see CRFs entered by employees.
  • View: Can view the employees CRF submissions, but can't edit them.
  • View/Edit: Can view the CRFs enter by employees and also add/delete a CRF entry.


Setting Description
Close Group Via Web

Allows users to close out the pay period and generate their clients pay file using the Close Group button in the Time Management Console (TMC).

Close Site Via Web

Allows users to close out a Clock Site using the Close Site button in the Time Management Console (TMC). This action changes the Period status to "Clocks Closed".

Additional Functionality

Setting Description
Allow Reports

Allows user access to run Bullhorn Time & Expense reports. If this is set to No, the next 3 settings will not be applicable.

Report Recipient Change

Allows users to choose who receives reports by adding recipients to the report request.

Scheduled Reports
  • No: Can't schedule reports to run on a set frequency.
  • Yes: Can schedule reports to run on their set frequency.
  • View Only: Can only view the scheduled reports.
Hide SSN On Reports Determines if SSNs are shown on reports. The length of the SSN is determined by whether they can see the last 4 SSN or the full SSN.
Batch Entry

Gives the ability to change multiple existing Departments on one screen.

File Send

Allows users to send upload file to pnet through the TMC.

File Receive

Allows users to download process payfiles from the TMC.


Determines access to the Daily Attendance tab, showing who has clocked in and the number of hours.

Upload History Allows users to see upload history. This is a Clock user setting
View Dept Level Rates

Allows users to view the rates at the Dept Level on the Sites/Dept tab. These rates are used for reporting and are dependent on the settings in View Pay/Bill.

View By Site

Determines whether users see all Clock Sites under one group or if they see each Clock Site broken out. Only applicable to Clock users.

PTO Maintenance

Allows users to view and update balances for PTO. PTO must be turned on for this option to be applicable.

Approve PTO

Allows user to approve PTO. PTO must be turned on for this option to be applicable.

Mass Entry

Allows access to the Mass Entry Bullhorn Time & Expense tool.

The tool allows users to enter adjustments for a group of timeaheets at once. The admin may specify total hours for an adjustment code on a specific day or set a specific Start or Stop time. This is commonly used for Holidays, or entering time for a team meeting.

For additional information, see Mass Entry.

Configure Break Exceptions

Allows users to configure break exceptions.

Time Import This option gives access to the Exchange Product. If Yes, the option for DLT Role is enabled.
DLT Role

Only appears if Time Import is Yes. This allows different functionality in exchange.

  • View: View only.
  • Match: Allows match assignments.
  • Process: Allows process time.
  • Config: Allows configurations such as setting up templates.
Automatically List New Reports

Gives users access to view new reports automatically.

Receive Missing Contact Alerts Determines if users receives a notice for missing contacts.
All Clock Groups Allows access to all Clock Groups. This is a Clock User Setting.

Update Bullhorn Query Properties

Allows users to change FOI query fields.

View Emails Processed

Ability to see all emails sent from BTE to end users.

Allow Transaction Uploader

Allows users access to the Transaction Uploader to load employee time.

Allow Attestation Configuration

Allows users to configure Custom Attestations through Maintenance > Administration > Attestation Configuration.


Setting Description
Approval /Dispute / Reject

Allows users to approve, dispute, and reject employee timesheets.

Resolve Disputes

Allows users to resolve and approve disputed time.

Second Level

Allows users to approve and dispute time as a second level approver.


Setting Description
Cookie Setup Do not use. This was a former VTC setting that is no longer used.


Setting Description
Access Level Determines the roles that users with this role can access. For example, an Access Level 3 role can only assign users to roles that have an access level of 3 or greater. Choose from 1-10.
  • No: Can't add other users.
  • Yes: Can add other users.
  • Within Group: Can only add users within their Access Group and Role.
Access Groups
  • No: Can't add/edit Access Groups.
  • Yes: Can add/edit Access Groups.
  • Within Group: Can only add/edit Access Groups within their Access Group and Role.
Admin Rights Allows access to the Administration Screen.
Groups Allows access to Groups.
Divisions Allows access to Division Setup screen.
Agencies Allows access to the Agency Setup screen.
Sites/Depts Allows access to the Clock Setup screen.
Depts Allows access to the Departments Setup screen.
Department Shifts Allows access to the Department Shift Setup screen.
Shift Diffs Allows access to the Department Level Shift Diff Setup screen.
Allow Shift Edits Allows access to edit the Group level Shift Differential screen.
Adjustment Codes Allows access to the Adjustment Setup screen.
Employee Shifts Allows access to the Employee Shift Setup screen.
Period Status Allows access to the Period Status screen.
OT/Holiday Schedule Allows access to the OT/Holiday Schedule Setup screen.
Allow Split Punch: Allows user to use the Split Punch functionality.
Allow Incident Entry Allows access to create and enter incidents.
Bypass Soft Scheduling Warnings: Allows the ability to set some Soft scheduling and or Rounding rules that may, out of compliance, require a wavier to be signed by client.
Allow View/Edit Schedules: Allows access to the Maintenance > Scheduler Screen.
Restricted to IPs: Allows access to only certain IP Addresses. If this is not configured, the users under this role can log in from anywhere.
Break Exceptions
  • No: Can't access the Break Exceptions tab.
  • Yes: Can access the Break Exceptions tab and make updates.
  • View Only: Can only view information on the Break Exceptions tab.They can not make changes.

Per Diems

Allows access to the Per Diems feature.

SI Partner

Indicates users are part of an SI Partner agency, and grants higher level access.

Allow Earn Code Upload

Allows Earn Code imports from ATS.

Placement Viewer

Allows access to the Placement Viewer feature in Bullhorn Time & Expense.


Setting Description
User Classification

Designates what the role is. Choose from:

  • Corporate
  • Branch
  • Client
  • Agency

Default Role

The role that is assigned to new users when they are automatically created in BTE through an interface.

Call Center User
  • No: Can't access the Call Center screen.
  • Yes: Can access the Call Center screen.
  • Yes (no faxaroo):Can access the Call Center screen.
Branch User Import Mapping Code indicator for when admin users are added via refresh.
Edit User Allows access to edit the Time Entry User.
Edit Request Allows access to edit the Time Entry Request.
Add Comment Allows access to add comments to the Time Entry User.
Corporate Level Reports Allows all clients to access data without group restrictions.
All Branches When a new WTE branch is created it will be added to everyone with the role.
Edit Branch ID Allows users to edit Branch IDs.
Faxes Allows access to the Fax tab.
  • No: Can't access the Expense tab.
  • Yes: Can access the Expense tab and make updates.
  • View Only: Can only view information on the Expense tab. They can not make changes.
Alter Assignment
  • No: Can't alter assignments.
  • Exclude: Can exclude and assignment for the week.
  • End: Can end an assignment.
  • Exclude and End: Can exclude an assignment for the week or end it.
Send Reminders Allows access to send Time Entry reminders.
Fax Approval Allows access to the Faxaroo.
Send Reminders Allows users to send Time Approval reminders.