ATS v2: High Volume Recruiting

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.

This article applies to ATS v2s using the ATS v2 data model only.


In High Volume mode, ATS v2 becomes a powerful tool for the management of large volume recruitment. View Table, a tabular view of candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. data, has been added to allow you to group and perform mass actions on large lists of candidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider..

Tabular View Features

To access Tabular View click the ActionClosed When used in ATS or Search and Match UI, one of multiple actions available after user has selected a sub-set of Candidates button at the top right of the JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. Bullhorn ATS.

Using a tabular view to display candidate data means that you can look at candidate information that is more relevant to you without having to open their records. The columns of the table are customizable with fields from the Contact and Application V2Closed A Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud custom object introduced when new data model ATSv2 was added to the core product objects and columns are sortable across all pages.

Admin Note:

Tabular View can be set as the default Bullhorn ATS view and the columns of the table are customizable with fields from the Contact and ApplicationClosed First stage of Job placement flow (Application> Submittal>Interview>Offer> Placement) V2 objects. See ATS v2: High Volume Recruiting Configuration for full customization details.

For the best user experience it is recommended that the High Volume tabular view is opened in a new tab which maximizes screen availability and makes navigation easier. Use the Expand Bullhorn ATS View button in the top right to open in a new tab.

Tabular View Layout

The function of tabular view is to allow recruiters to work on large volumes of candidates, so pagination has been added to this view and the process of selecting records and navigating through multiple pages is streamlined.

  1. Each page shows the current page number and allows you to go to the next page or skip to a particular page.
  2. Users have several options for selecting records:
    • Single Record: Use the checkbox next to the individual item.
    • All Records on a Page: Use the first checkbox in the header on the left hand side.
    • All Records on a Job: Use the hyperlink on the top left that says Select all [total number of records] records for this job.

    Selections are persistent across pages, meaning that navigating to a new page after selecting a few candidate records will not result in losing that selection.

  3. The default number of records per page is 500, but you can choose to display fewer records.

Using Filters

Candidate records can be filtered using the Filter drop-down at the top left (1) and you can also create your own filters (2).

When you click Create new filter, a window opens where you can enter the name of your filter and the filtering criteria you want to apply.

  1. Enter the name of your filter.
  2. Specify the filter criteria.
    • Select a field from the Contact or Application V2 objects, an operator and a value for that field.
    • You can add several conditions to the criteria by using the +Add Condition button.
  3. Specify who will be able to see the filter.

After creating a filter, the ability to Edit and Delete the filter will appear next to the Create new filter link.

Tabular View Bulk Actions

This section describes the out-of-the-box functionality for each available bulk action. Depending on your organization's needs you may want to customize the standard settings. See ATS v2: High Volume Recruiting Configuration for more information on bulk actions and the possible customizations.

Bulk Actions vs Mass Actions

In the window that appears when a bulk action is performed it will show either Bulk ActionClosed An action that is performed for a large volume of data (for example, an email sent after selecting a large number of Candidates) or Mass Action depending on how many records are being processed.

In Mass Actions (fewer records) the records are processed immediately but when enough records are included to require a bulk action that takes time to process, users can check the progress in the Bulk Monitor tab of the Job record.

Internal Interview

In high volume mode, one Internal InterviewClosed The third Stage of Job application flow. This is when the recruiter sets up a job interview between Candidate and Client. is created for every selected Candidate, with the same data for every Internal Interview.

You access this screen by clicking the Internal Interview icon .

It’s possible to add attachments and send Emails from this form.


In high volume mode, the same email is sent to every selected Candidate. You have the ability to use templates and can add attachments.

You access this screen by clicking the Email icon .

Apply to Other Job

In high volume mode this data entry page allows users to apply selected candidates to a specific job.

You access this page by clicking the Apply to Other Job icon .

Mass Placement

In high volume mode, the mass placementClosed The stage that occurs after a candidate accepts a job offer and facilitates their information being copied to the back office. screen displays Job information that will be copied to the Closing ReportClosed Fifth Stage of Job placement flow, a Candidate that reaches the Closing Report Placement stage has been assigned to a job. In Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud, a 'Closing Report' is a record that captures all the information related to the newly filled position (name of Candidate, position, salary, start date, which recruiter gets credit for the hire etc.) record for each selected Candidate. This screen is what will display if either the Mass Placement button is used or Candidates are moved to the Closing Report stage with the Move Forward button in high volume mode.

You access this screen by clicking the Mass Placement icon .

Admin Note:

These fields can be customized following the same steps used for the original Job ATS v2 Mass Placement page. See Job ATS v2: Actions Toolbar for more information.

Move Back/Forward

In high volume mode, after selecting candidates, use the Move Back or Move Forward icons to move the Candidates to a different stage. The available stages depends on the current stage of the Candidates, which is the same as the standard Job Bullhorn ATS.

No message will be displayed when "Move Back" actions are executed:

Move to Submittal

Only Submit Without Email is supported in high volume mode. There is no data entry page associated with this move.

Move to Send Out

In high volume mode, a Send Out record is created for every selected Candidate with the same data on each record. It is possible to add attachments and send Emails from this form.

Move to Offer

In high volume mode, an Offer record is created for each selected Candidate with the same data on each record. There is a limit of up to 500 records at a time.

Admin Note:

These fields can be customized following the same steps used for the original Job ATS v2 Move to Offer page. See Job ATS v2: Actions Toolbar for more information.


In high volume mode, Reject/Unreject icon rejects all selected Candidates (if not yet rejected) or unrejects them (if previously rejected). The data entered on the Reject/Unreject data page propagates to all selected Candidates.

Admin Note:

These fields can be customized following the same steps used for the original Job ATS v2 Reject/Unreject page. See Job ATS v2: Actions Toolbar for more information.

Add to Call List

You can select Candidates and add them to a new or existing Call List in high volume mode with the Call List icon .

View Interview Schedule

In high volume mode the View Interview ScheduleClosed This is the record that captures the details of the interview set up (day, time, address, etc) icon is used to edit or cancel Interviews (Send Out Schedules). Rather than selecting Candidates and then clicking the button, first click the View Interview Schedule button to be presented with a list of scheduled Interviews. Here you will select the Candidates, then proceed to Edit or Cancel. The View Schedules screen has several features to help you select Candidates:

  • Filter on the fields of the Send Out Schedule page by clicking the Filter icon next to the field name.
  • Sort the columns for all records selected by clicking the column header.
  • The default view is 50 records per screen. If there are more than 50 records page navigation will be displayed.
  • Select specific records or select all (Note: there is no option to select by page). Record Selection will be persistent across pages.

Once Candidates have been selected the Edit or Cancel Schedules option will be displayed. If you choose Edit Schedule, you will be presented with the standard Send Out Schedule page, minus the Interview Date and Interview time fields, as they cannot be edited. The data entered on this screen will propagate to all selected Send Out Schedules.

Monitoring Tools: Bulk Monitor and Bulk Action Logs

To monitor the progress of the bulk action for a particular Job, the System Administratorcan add the Bulk Monitor (ATS v2_Bulk_Job_Monitor) component to the Bullhorn ATS sub-tab.

The Bulk Monitor displays the following information for each action:

  • Action name
  • Amount
  • Job name
  • Progress
  • Status
  • Started by
  • Started on
  • Duration

The Status field shows one of these values:

  • Pending
  • In Progress
  • Finished - OK
  • Finished - Errors
  • Canceled

If there are errors, the Status will show Completed - [number of ] errors. Click the message for an explanation of the errors.

Admin Note:

System Administrators also have access to the Bulk Action Logs object and tab, which captures more data related to the process. By default, logs are kept for 30 days. The retention period for the logs can be changed in the Bullhorn ATS HV Settings Custom Metadata Type. See ATS v2: High Volume Recruiting Configuration for more information.