Job Milestones


A set of Milestones can be created against a JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. to represent all stages throughout the lifespan of the Job, from creation to completion. Each milestone can be assigned a due date and an owner, so work can be planned and delegated ahead of time.

This article covers the following:

If you're looking for end user specific information, see Job Milestones User Guide.

About Job Milestones

Creating Milestones

You can add the Milestones component to any Job record. Then you can start manually creating your milestones for that Job by clicking the New button.

The other available buttons are:

  • Import Milestones from another Job: See the Importing Milestones from Another Job section for more information.
  • Change Dates: After selecting one or multiple Milestones, clicking this button opens a modal that allows users to change Start Date and/or Due Date to the same value for all selected Milestones.

Available Fields in the Milestone (TR1__Milestone__c) Object

Field Name APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Name Field Type Description
Milestone Name Name Text Name of the Milestone event.
Related Job TR1__Related_Job__c Lookup (Job__c) The Job that a Milestone is related to.
Start TR1__Start__c Checkbox

There can only be one Milestone flagged as the Start Milestone in a sequence of Milestones.

If a user selects this checkbox for a different Milestone, the Start checkbox originally selected is automatically deselected.

End TR1__End__c Checkbox

There can only be one Milestone flagged as the End Milestone in a sequence of Milestones.

If a user selects this checkbox for a different Milestone, the End checkbox originally selected is automatically deselected.

Sequence TR1__Sequence__c Number The number in this field defines what place the milestone will have in relation to the other milestones created for the same job.
Billing EventClosed A Salesforce term used to describe an activity that involves invitations being sent out and calendar appointments being made. TR1__Billing_Event__c Checkbox Marks the Milestone as a Billing Event.
Start Date TR1__Start_Date__c Date The Milestone’s Start Date.
Completed TR1__Completed__c Checkbox Users can check this checkbox to flag a milestone as Completed.
Date Completed TR1__Date_Completed__c Date

The date someone checked the completed box - this field is updated automatically with Today’s date when Completed is checked.

If the Completed checkbox is deselected, this field is reverted to blank.

Due Date TR1__Due_Date__c Date The expected completion date for the milestone.
Note TR1__Note__c Text(32768) Text field to captures notes related to the Milestone.
Owner OwnerId Lookup (User) Milestone Owner (the user appointed to complete the Milestone).

The Milestones Sequence

The Milestones component shows a list of Milestones for the Job. The list is sorted by the Sequence field.

For any given set of Milestones associated with a Job, the sequence is unique and no two Milestones can have the same sequence number.

You can move single or multiple Milestones up and down the sequence by dragging and dropping after selection. The sequence is updated after dropping the milestone in its new positionClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement..

The Milestones Banner

The Milestone banner is a component that alerts users about overdue Next Milestones (meaning the Milestone with the next Due Date that is not completed).

You have the option of configuring the banner color and how many days after the Due Date the banner appears. See Configuration Steps for more information.

Two levels of urgency can be configured, depending on how many days overdue the Milestone is. The banner will show these messages:

  • Overdue Next Milestone Due Date: "Next Milestone [Milestone name] is now [x days] past its Due Date".
  • Urgent Warning: "Urgent: Next Milestone [Milestone name] Due Date is now [x days] past the due date".

In both cases, the banner will be visible until the Milestone is completed. If no warnings are due, no banner is displayed.

In case of overlapping, the Urgent Warning has priority.

Importing Milestones from Another Job

To speed up the creation of Milestones for a new Job, you can import Milestones from other JobsClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement..

  1. Click on the Import Milestones from another Job button in the Milestones component of the new Job.
  2. Select the Job you want to import the milestones from in the Job Name lookup and click on Confirm.
    • A modal will open with the list of all the milestones attached to the source Job. The only fields shown are Sequence (not editable) and Start Date.
      • You can set the new Start Date for the Milestone you are importing and its Due Date will be automatically calculated and shown in the newly created Milestone. This step is not mandatory and you can apply all changes to the new Milestone after it is created.
      • You can also delete any Milestone that is not needed for the new Job in this modal.
  3. Once you are happy with your selections, click Confirm and the new Milestones will be displayed in the Milestones component of the new Job.

Additional Information on Importing Milestones

There are a few things to remember when importing Milestones:

  • Only the following data is copied to the new Milestone:
    • Milestone Name
    • Sequence Number
  • Start Date can be set in the modal window during import.
  • The Due Date for the new milestone is populated after the import is complete based on these conditions:
    • Start Date and Due Date of each Milestone are checked in the source Milestone and a value for the Milestone Duration is calculated: Duration equals Due Date minus Start Date.
    • If Start Date wasn't entered in the Import modal window, Start Date and Due Date will be empty on the new Milestone (no warning is displayed).
    • If Start Date was entered in the Import modal window, but Duration can’t be calculated (Start Date or Due Date on source Milestone were blank), Due Date will be empty and a warning will be displayed.
    • If Start Date was entered in the Import modal window and Start Date and Due Date on source Milestone were populated, Due Date will be populated on the new Milestone with the value from new Start Date plus Duration.

Remember that the Milestone Sequence is unique and there can not be two Milestones with the same sequence number. In the scenario where you are importing Milestones into a Milestone component that already has some Milestones in it, the import will fail if any sequence duplication is detected. To prevent this some pre-planning is required and the new Milestone sequencing should take into consideration the sequence of the imported Milestones.

Configuration Steps

  1. Assign Milestones User Permission Set to users.
  2. Add the Milestones component to relevant Job page layouts.
  3. If required, configure the columns of the component using this fieldset: Setup > Object Manager > Milestone > Field Sets > List Component Fieldset.
  4. If required, configure the New/Edit modal using this fieldset: Setup > Object Manager > Milestone > Field Sets > Create Edit Fieldset.
  5. Configure Overdue Milestones banner:
    • Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Milestones Settings.
    • Populate the fields of this custom setting as follows:
      • Overdue Days: Number of days after Due Date that triggers the display of the normal overdue warning.
      • Overdue Banner Color: The color of the banner for the normal overdue warning. Can be in the following formats: "#FB9D5A" or "red".
      • Urgent Overdue Days: Number of days after Due Date that triggers the display of the urgent overdue warning
      • Urgent Overdue Banner Color: The color of the banner for the urgent overdue warning. Can be in the following formats: "#FB9D5A" or "red".