Team Members, Team Roles, and Credits


Team Member, Team RoleClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement., and Team Member Credit objects allow an association between users, their contribution to a JobClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement., and the credit they receive for that contribution. This article covers the overview and enablement of Team Members, Team RolesClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement., and Credits. See Team Members, Team Roles, and Credits User Guide for additional information on using Team Members, Team Roles and Credits.

Team Member and Team Role objects were added to the package in 2023.8 and relate to the Team Member Credit Object that already existed.


These objects can be added to the Job record or given direct access through tabs.

No out-of-the-box logic is attached. You are only provided with the objects and the fields to build your own team members structure and credit assignment logic.

Objects and Fields

Team Member (TR1__Team_Member__c)

Field Name APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Name Field Type Description
Team Member TR1__Team_Member__c Lookup (User) The user who is given Team Member status.
Job TR1__Job__c Master-Detail (TR1__Job__c) The Job for which this User is a Team Member.
Job Type TR1__Job_Type__c Formula Association to Job Record Type.
Team Member Role TR1__Team_Member_Role__c Lookup (Team Member Role) Role of the Team Member on the specified Job .
Date From TR1__Date_From__c Date Start date (when member was assigned to the role).
Date To TR1__Date_to__c Date End date (when member was removed from the role).
Active TR1__Active__c Checkbox To flag if a Team Member is active or not (unchecked by default).

Team Member Credit (TR1__Team_Member_Credit__c)

Field Name API Name Field Type Description
Job TR1__Job__c Master-Detail (TR1__Job__c) The Job to which the credit is related.
Team Member TR1__Team_Member__c Lookup (User) User linked to this credit.
Credit Type TR1__Credit_Type__c Picklist Specifies a Credit Type.
Date From TR1__Date_From__c Date Start date of the Credit.
Date To TR1__Date_To__c Date End date of the Credit.
% Value TTR1__Value_Percent__c Number (16, 2) The Credit value in percent (%).
Value (Decimal) TR1__Value__c Number (16, 2) The Credit value.

Team Role (TR1__Team_Role__c)

Field Name API Name Field Type Description
Team Role Name Name Text (80) The name of the team role.
Job Record Types TR1__Job_Record_Types__c LongTextArea(5000) List of Job Record Type Ids or developer names.
Active TR1__Active__c Checkbox Specifies if it is an active Role.
Note TR1__Note__c LongTextArea(5000) Text field to capture notes.


The three objects and fields are available in the package out of the box. Standard object configuration (create Tab, create Related List on Job record, add required fields, etc.) is required to start using them. Contact Bullhorn Support for more information.