Conditional Logic
Conditional logic allows fields to show or hide depending on how an applicant answers a question. When logic is applied, first set the IF condition (i.e. answer to question = yes) then add one or more actions based on the IF condition. Actions may show or hide a follow up field. Parent fields must be displayed above the subsequent fields in the form order. Logic allows for one or more subsequent fields to display or hide based on field configuration.
It is required to create both the parent and child fields impacted prior to configuring logic.
To add conditional logic to a field:
- Confirm the initial and any subsequent fields are already added to the form.
- Confirm the initial field is above subsequent fields in the form.
- Open the initial field and click the Add Logic button which opens the right navigation panel.
- Click the Add a New Condition button.
- Under the IF statement indicate what the response value must equal in order to perform actions.
- For yes/no field types 1 = yes, 0 = no.
- For checkbox, type ahead or drop down list type fields, the IF statement must match what displays to the candidate for the selected response.
- For radio group field types, the IF statement should match the unique identifier.
- Click the Save Condition button.
- Click the Add New Action button.
- In the DO drop down menu select Show or Hide.
- In the FIELD drop-down select the field that should show/hide.
- Click the Save Action button.
- If desired, add New Conditions and/or actions to the logic.
- Click out of the right navigation panel and click the Save button on the field.
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