Match Names
The first step of processing a file is to match the employees. Match suggestions are created based on matching criteria: Assignment ID, Employee ID, Full Name Match, and Fuzzy Name Match.
Matching Names
To begin name matching:
- Locate and select the file you want to process by clicking on the file name.
- Select Match Names on the left of the screen.
- This will match names found in the data file with names found in .
- After matching an employee record, you may notice that the employee name in the
Unmatched, Matched, and Ignored items will display in separate tabs.
Unmatched Items
The number of unmatched names will appear on the Unmatched Items tab in red.
- Click on the Unmatched Items tab to work with the unmatched names.
- If necessary, drag and drop panels so they are horizontally aligned with potential data matches.
- You may expand panels to view additional details about the worker or assignment to assist with matching decisions.
- Select Ignore Employee to move the data to the Ignored Items area.
- You may also select Remove Suggestion to leave the data in the Unmatched Items area, but eliminate the suggested match.
- Select the gray Link
to match imported data with data.
- If necessary, select the same icon to remove the data match.
- To see more details about an item, click on the employee name in either the Imported Data column or the Data column.
- In some cases, you may need to move an item in the
- To move an item, click and drag the Move icon
for the item you want to move.
- Drag the Data item so that it is positioned to the right of the Imported Data item.
Data column up or down in the list before creating a match. - To move an item, click and drag the Move icon
- When you are ready to create the match, select the gray Link icon
Matched Items
Employees that have been matched will appear in the Matched Items tab.
- Newly Matched Items appear in blue.
- The total number of matches appears in green.
If you need to remove a match, select the green Link icon and the items will move back to the Unmatched Items area.
Ignored Items
Items that have been ignored will appear in amber.
- Click on the Ignored Items tab to work with those items.
- To send an item marked as Ignored back to the Unmatched Items area, click Move.
- You may scroll through the list or use the search fields to look for specific assignments or names in the Ignored Items area.
Other Options
Notify Contact
Follow these steps if you want to send a reminder to a contact to resolve file issues:
- Select the Message icon
- Select the recipient from the list.
- If necessary, edit the text that appears in the Message field.
- Open the Unmatched Items tab to review any details related to file issues.
- When you are ready to send the notification, select Send Message.
Save & Finish Later
Select Save & Finish Later to save all changes made and return to the dashboard.
Match Assignments
Select Next when you have matched all known names and are ready to Match Assignments.
Clear Unprocessed Data & Start Over
Select Clear unprocessed data & start over to discard all changes you have made and return to the dashboard.
Get Updates
To refresh the items in the
Data column and load any possible updates, select Get Updates.Review a Different File
To review a different file, open the file drop down menu in the upper left and make a selection.