Reports Menu


You can capture hour details, billing and pay information, department and shift details, and more by using the Reports menu in Bullhorn Time & Expense Explorer.

Reports are organized in the following categories:

  • Labor Distribution
  • Registers
  • Punch Detail
  • Hours Crosstab
  • Employee/Dept/Assignment # reports
  • Other Reports
  • Order/Scheduling
  • Admin Reports

Report Menu Options

Access Reports Menu

To see a full list or available reports, select Reports from the Tasks drop-down menu.

Report Menu Tabs

The Report Menu tab is broken down into four sections:

  • Reports: Displays the complete list of reports that can be generated. This list may vary depending on agency and configuration.
  • Report History: Details a breakdown of reports you've generated. Can be narrowed by date range.
  • Scheduled Reports: You will see and be able to configure reports that have been scheduled.
  • Favorite Reports: View and configure Favorite Reports from this tab.