Schedule a Report Options


If you select Schedule when running a report, you can select a custom name for the report and schedule it to run on based on an event or date.

Scheduling Options

Custom Name

Enter a custom name for the report. The name should be clear and will help to distinguish the report from other scheduled items.


If you choose to schedule your report with a trigger, the report will generate when the trigger action takes place. There are several different trigger options available.

  • Weekly Group Close is the most commonly used event.
    • If the group is closed automatically, you will see that the report generates shortly after the group is closed.
    • If the group is closed manually, you may see that the report generation time will vary based on when the group is manually closed.

If the trigger event does not take place, the scheduled report will not generate.

Start Date

If you select this option, your report will run at the scheduled frequency you configure. This schedule option is not tied to an event.

  • The Date will indicate when the report should begin running.
  • The Time will indicate the specific time at which the report will generate.

Depending on your reporting needs, you may need to change the Payroll Period options to include report data for the correct period.

Weekday Toggles indicate the day on which the report should generate. You may select as many or few days as you need.

Scheduled Request time is Eastern Standard Time.


After selecting your Schedule Options, click Submit Report to save.

Scheduled Reports Tab

You may view or make changes to any scheduled report after selecting the Scheduled Reports tab.

  • Select View/Edit to change the generation schedule or report parameters.
  • You may also copy or disable a scheduled report.

Scheduled Reports will display active schedules by default. Change the status to Disabled if you wish to view or make changes to disabled scheduled reports.