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Converted Leads Dashboard Card

This card is located in the Lead Dashboard and My Dashboards sections of Bullhorn.

This card allows for multiple copies.

  • Examples:
    • I'm a manager and I would like to see one card for each of my team members.
    • I want to add cards for both this year and last year to compare.

The Converted Leads card shows you all the leads who’ve been converted to a contact, including their first and last name, the owner of their record, and their age (e.g., how long ago they were converted).

The Graph View displays a line graph where the horizontal is time, and vertical is the number of Leads converted. To change the intervals on the horizontal axis, click Day, Week, or Month where it says “Graphing data by.”

Clicking the gear icon will allow you to filter by My Leads, All Leads, User, or Department, as well as by Date Added or Status.


For more information on the Dashboards: Understanding Dashboard Cards

Check out the other dashboard cards available for Leads: