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Jobs by Age Dashboard Card

This card is located in Jobs Dashboard and My Dashboards.

This card allows for multiple copies.

  • Examples:
    • I'm a manager and I would like to see one card for each of my team members.
    • I want to add cards for both this year and last year to compare.

The Jobs by Age card gives you a quick snapshot of all jobs in your corporation, broken down by the number of days passed since they were added into the system. As a recruiting manager, you can use this card to determine which jobs are "stale"

  • E.g., open for too long and still “accepting candidates”.

This card gives insight into recently open jobs, analyze activity against them as well as dig deeper into jobs that are older & may need to be closed, or need follow up with the client. For example, in the graph above, you can see that 4 jobs have existed in the system for 16-30 days.

Clicking on the gear icon allows you to filter this card based on My Jobs, All Jobs, Department, User, Date Added, Open/Closed, Status, Priority, Client Company, Category, Required Skills or Employment Type.


For more information on the Dashboards: Understanding Dashboard Cards

Check out the other dashboard cards available for Jobs: