Candidate Mapping Contact Fields

The following is the recommended configuration for Contact fields.

Select Contact in the object field.

Label CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Mapping Name XPath XMLClosed Used to create custom markup languages in order to display information on the Internet. We use XML when sending jobs to Indeed for syndication. Node Field APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Name Default Value
Nationality Nationality Personal Nationality TR1__Nationality__c  
City City Personal/Address City OtherCity  
PostalCode PostalCode Personal/Address ZipCode OtherPostalCode  
Soft Skills Soft_Skills   SoftSkill TR1__Skills__c  
Professional Skills Professional_Skills   ProfessionalSkill TR1__Skills__c  
Country Country Personal/Address Country[@code] OtherCountry  
FullName FullName Personal FullName TR1__Full_Name__c  
OtherPhone OtherPhone Personal/OtherPhones OtherPhone OtherPhone  
StreetAddress StreetAddress     OtherStreet  
ESHighestEducationLevel ESHighestEducationLevel   ESHighestEducationLevel TR1__ESHighestEducationLevel__c  
Region Region Personal/Address Region[@code] OtherState  
Gender Gender Personal Gender TR1__Gender__c  
Citizenship Citizenship Personal Nationality[@code] TR1__Citizenship__c  
Languages Languages   LanguageSkill TR1__Language__c  
Email Email Personal/Emails Email Email  
HomePhone HomePhone Personal/HomePhones HomePhone HomePhone  
LastName LastName Personal LastName LastName  
HighestEducationLevel HighestEducationLevel ProfileSummary HighestEducationLevel TR1__Education__c  
CurrentPosition CurrentPosition ProfileSummary CurrentJob Title  
MobilePhone MobilePhone Personal/MobilePhones MobilePhone MobilePhone  
FirstName FirstName Personal FirstName FirstName  
Computer Skills Computer_Skills   ComputerSkill TR1__Systems_Experience__c  
DateOfBirth DateOfBirth Personal DateOfBirth TR1__Birthdate__c  
LastName DefaultValue LastName_DefaultValue     LastName UNKNOWN
Country CountryFailover Personal/Address Country[@code] TR1__OtherCountry__c  
Region RegionFailover Personal/Address Region[@code] TR1__OtherState__c  
MiddleName MiddleName Personal MiddleName TR1__Middle_Name__c  
DriversLicense DriversLicense Personal DriversLicenseEUNorm TR1__Drivers_License__c  

Below are two configurable contact fields. If these values are required for your organization, add the following field records in the Custom Metadata Type:

Label Candidate Mapping Name XPath XML Node Field API Name
Initials Initials Personal Initials Add any New/Existing Field in which you need the value
Marital Status Marital_Status Personal MaritalStatus Add any New/Existing Field in which you need the value