Daxtra Integration: New Architecture for Resume to Contact Field Mapping (v. 3.389)

Bullhorn for Salesforce package v. 3.389 introduces a new process for mapping resume data into Contact records.

The new process allows for more flexibility in field mapping and will be further developed as the only process used for field mapping in connection to resume parsing. It leverages a newly introduced Custom Metadata Type called CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Mapping (TR1__Candidate_Mapping__mdt).

The legacy process leverages the Contact Mapping (TR1__Contact_Mapping__mdt) Custom Metadata Type and will be discontinued in the near feature.

This article explains how to switch to the new architecture by re-creating the field mapping existing in Contact Mapping (TR1__Contact_Mapping__mdt) using corresponding records in the new Custom Metadata Type Candidate Mapping (TR1__Candidate_Mapping__mdt).

Configuration Steps

  1. Upgrade the Org to v. 3.389 or higher. Contact Bullhorn for Salesforce Support if an upgrade is needed.
  2. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Talent Rover Properties the click Manage Records > Edit. Scroll down the page and enable the Enable New Architecture checkbox.
  3. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Candidate Mapping (TR1__Candidate_Mapping__mdt).
  4. Create a Custom Metadata Type record for each of the fields you want to map. Use Contact Mapping (TR1__Contact_Mapping__mdt) for reference.
  5. Each record contains a number of attributes:


The tables below provide a list of the supported fields and how to populate each Custom Metadata Type.

Contact Fields

Select Contact in the Object Field.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XPath XML Node Field API Name Default Value
Country Country StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/PostalAddress CountryCode OtherCountry  
MobilePhone MobilePhone StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/Mobile FormattedNumber MobilePhone  
MiddleName MiddleName StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/PersonName MiddleName TR1__Middle_Name__c  
DateOfBirth DateOfBirth StructuredXMLResume/date anydate TR1__Birthdate__c  
Region Region StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/PostalAddress Region OtherState  
City City StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/PostalAddress Municipality OtherCity  
Skills Skills StructuredXMLResume Competency TR1__Skills__c  
FirstName FirstName StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/personname givenname FirstName  
Languages Languages StructuredXMLResume Competency TR1__Language__c  
Street Street StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/PostalAddress/DeliveryAddress AddressLine OtherStreet  
HomePhone HomePhone StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/Telephone[@type="home"] FormattedNumber HomePhone  
WorkPhone WorkPhone StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/Telephone[@type="work"] FormattedNumber Phone  
Email Email structuredxmlresume/contactInfo/contactMethod internetemailaddress Email  
PostalCode PostalCode StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/PostalAddress PostalCode OtherPostalCode  
LastName LastName structuredxmlresume/contactinfo/personname familyname LastName UNKNOWN
FullName FullName structuredxmlresume/contactinfo/personname formattedname TR1__Full_Name__c  
Nationality Nationality StructuredXMLResume Nationality StructuredXMLResume  
OtherPhone OtherPhone StructuredXMLResume/ContactInfo/ContactMethod/Telephone[@type="alt"] FormattedNumber OtherPhone  

Education History Fields

Select TR1__EducationHistory__c in the Object Field.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XPath XML Node Field API Name
Major Major   Major TR1__Degree_Major__c
EndDate EndDate_Edu_AnyDate DatesOfAttendance/EndDate AnyDate TR1__EndDate__c
EducationLevel EducationLevel   Degree[@degreeType] TR1__DegreeType__c
DegreeName DegreeName Degree DegreeName TR1__DegreeName__c
DegreeDate DegreeDate_Edu_Year Degree/DegreeDate Year TR1__DegreeDate__c
DegreeDate DegreeDate_Edu_AnyDate Degree/DegreeDate AnyDate TR1__DegreeDate__c
EndDate EndDate_Edu_Year DatesOfAttendance/EndDate Year TR1__EndDate__c
RegionEdu RegionEdu LocationSummary Region TR1__Region__c
CityEdu CityEdu LocationSummary Municipality TR1__City__c
StartDate StartDate_Edu_AnyDate DatesOfAttendance/StartDate AnyDate TR1__StartDate__c
InstitutionType InstitutionType   schoolorinstitution[@schoolType] TR1__SchoolType__c
StartDate StartDate_Edu_Year DatesOfAttendance/StartDate Year TR1__StartDate__c
EndDate EndDate_Edu_YearMonth DatesOfAttendance/EndDate YearMonth TR1__EndDate__c
InstituteName InstituteName   SchoolName TR1__SchoolName__c
DegreeDate DegreeDate_Edu_YearMonth Degree/DegreeDate YearMonth TR1__DegreeDate__c
CountryEdu CountryEdu LocationSummary CountryCode TR1__Country__c
Comments Comments   Comments TR1__Comments__c
StartDate StartDate_Edu_YearMonth DatesOfAttendance/StartDate YearMonth TR1__StartDate__c

Employment History Fields

Select TR1__EmploymentHistory__c in the Object Field.

Label Candidate Mapping Name XPath XML Node Field API Name
JobTitle JobTitle PositionHistory Title TR1__Title__c
City City_Emp EmployerContactInfo/LocationSummary Municipality TR1__City__c
EndDate EndDate_Emp_YearMonth PositionHistory/EndDate YearMonth TR1__EndDate__c
StartDate StartDate_Emp_AnyDate PositionHistory/StartDate AnyDate TR1__StartDate__c
EndDate EndDate_Emp_AnyDate PositionHistory/EndDate AnyDate TR1__EndDate__c
EmployerName EmployerName   EmployerOrgName TR1__EmployerName__c
StartDate StartDate_Emp_YearMonth PositionHistory/StartDate YearMonth TR1__StartDate__c
JobDescription JobDescription PositionHistory description TR1__Description__c
JobOrgName JobOrgName PositionHistory OrgName TR1__OrganizationName__c
EndDate EndDate_Emp_Year PositionHistory/EndDate Year TR1__EndDate__c
StartDate StartDate_Emp_Year PositionHistory/StartDate Year TR1__StartDate__c