Resume Parsing with Daxtra: Basic Information

Note: To take advantage of the features mentioned in this documentation, your Org needs to be using Package Version 7.83.1 or newer. See Release Notes for more details about which features were introduced in each release. If you would like to upgrade to the current release, contact Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Support.


This article covers parsing resumes into Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud using the integration with DaxtraClosed A Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud partner. One of the Search and Match / Resume Parsing services providers integrated with Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud. An Org that utilizes Daxtra for parsing will also utilize Daxtra for Search and Match.

How the Integration Works

Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud sends a CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider.'s resume to Daxtra to be parsed and the corresponding Contact fields to be synced to Daxtra. Daxtra then creates a Candidate Profile using this data, and indexes the data with a unique External ID for each candidate. The Candidate Profile is then searchable in Search and Match. Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud clientsClosed A Company is the organization where the contact works. This can also be called the Client. that wish to use Daxtra services are assigned a database on a Daxtra server.

Admin Note:

A middleware instance called Heroku is used between Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud and the Daxtra parsing machine/databases (Heroku is a Salesforcecloud platform used to build, deliver, monitor and scale apps). The resume files parsed into Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud are temporarily stored as attachments and then moved to a "bucket" on Amazon AWS (Amazon Cloud storage facility), where they are stored. The creation of a bucket on Amazon AWS for the individual Org is part of the initial deployment of the Daxtra integration for any Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud customer. Currently there is no encryption of the stored resume files.

Parsing Resumes into Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud

Resumes can be parsed via the following methods:

Admin Note:

It is not recommended to create Validation Rules against the Contact object that will trigger if fields are not populated. There are multiple calls happening during the parsing process in which the record is edited/saved a few times. If a validation rule triggers while a Contact record is being created (through resume parsing), that will generate an error and block the parsing.

For these scenarios, instead of using a Validation Rule make fields required on the page layout.

Uploading a Document

  1. Begin by selecting the Global Actions + icon in the upper-right, and choose Resume Parser.
  2. The Resume Parser popup window displays with options to upload a document or paste the resume text.
  3. Select Upload Files and locate the file on your computer.
  4. Click the ParseClosed Used in relation to resume. It's the act of uploading a resume file into a Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud instance while in the background the candidate data is broken down and indexed so it becomes searchable in Search and Match tool. It! button.

When parsing has completed, a preview of the parsed candidate data will display for review & correction. You can review the information, and click the Cancel button to close the popup and view the Contact.

Since the Contact record has already been created at this point, selecting Cancel does not cause any loss of the resume data. You are simply closing the popup.

If you’d like to continue editing the new Contact by populating other fields, you can do so on the Contact Edit page. Keep in mind that you will need to enter all required fields before clicking Save.

Pasting a Resume

  1. Begin by selecting the Global Actions + icon in the upper-right, and then choose Resume Parser.
  2. The Resume Parser popup window displays and gives you the option to upload a document or paste a body of text.
  3. Select the Paste option button, copy the text from the source, and paste the text into the field.
  4. Click the Done button.

Parsing Resumes Sent Through Email

Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud can be configured to parse resumes that are sent to an email address.

  1. Create a new email message in any email program.
  2. Enter the parsing email address provided by your System Administrator.
  3. Attach the resume document to the email message.
  4. Send the email. The message subject and body can remain blank, only the content of the resume attachment will be used.

Admin Note:

System Administrators can set up a new email service by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Develop > Email Services > New Email Service.
  2. Complete the form and click Save.
  3. Select New Email Address.
  4. On the Email Service Address page, remove the default email address from the Accept Email From field. The figure below contains an example default email address, Remove any email address that appears in this field, then click Save.
  5. The new Email Address link will be automatically supplied.

This email should be used exclusively for internal resume parsing and not be shared externally.

Parsing Resumes from External Sources

Resumes from external sources will be parsed in the same way, using the same processes and rules explained in the sections above.

This includes the following sources:

Upload an Additional Resume to an Existing Contact

You may need to upload another resume for a contact, such as when the contact has added new experience in a new resume.

Upload the resume using the Resume Parser as shown in the section above. A background process will check for a duplicate and if a duplicate is found, then process will add the new resume to same Contact record.

This new resume will appear in the Resume Manager as shown below:

A new resume can also be added from the Resume Manager on the Contact record by clicking the upload button. This will bypass the duplicate check and automatically associated the resume with that Contact record.

Default Resume

Only one resume per candidate is searchable. Any number of parsed resumes can be sent to the Daxtra database, however only the one marked as default on the Contact record will be searchable. The default flag is enabled automatically for the most recently parsed resume. You can manually designate a different resume as Default.

To choose a resume as the default, pick it from the list and check the Default box. Ensure that the SMWS Status Code field is blank.

Admin Note:

If the SMWS Status Code field is not blank then the resume will not be searchable in Daxtra Search and Match. If your org regularly manually sets a default resume you can edit the Workflow Rule that triggers the sync (trcm_syncContactDocument_rule) to remove the TR1__SMWS_Status_Code__c !='100' line.

Resume Duplicate Check and Customization Options

A background process will check for existing duplicate contact records for every new resume that is parsed into Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud. Two options are available depending if you want the duplicate check to be driven by Bullhorn Recruitment Cloudvia a Custom Label or Salesforce’s native Duplicate Management.

To make the selection, navigate to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Search & Match Configuration > click Manage Records > SM Config, click Edit and use Deduplication Engine picklist in the Deduplication Configuration section.

PackageDuplicationDetectionEngine (Default)

When this is selected, the duplicate check is driven by a Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Custom Label called ResumeParserDuplicateCheckFor, which allows you to choose either FirstName+Email Address OR EmailOnly as criteria for the duplicate check.

This examines the First Name and Email Address (or Email Only), and then searches Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud for a matching Contact that has the same First Name and Email Address (or just same Email). If there is a match, then the Contact will be considered a duplicate and the new resume is added to the existing Contact as an additional resume.

To have the process only compare the Email value:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Build > Create > Custom Label > ResumeParserDuplicateCheckFor.
  2. Go to New local translation/Overrides.
  3. Set the Language to English.
  4. In Translation Text, enter EmailOnly.


When this is selected, the duplicate check is driven by Salesforce‘s Duplicate Management. You are expected to set up Active Duplicate Rules and Matching Rules. These active Duplication Rules will be taken into consideration to determine if the Contact is a potential duplicate or not each time a resume is parsed.