Managing Adjustment Codes


Adjustment codes are used to track time, breaks, bonuses, expenses, and other items in the Bullhorn Time & Expense Time Management Console (TMC) and Web Time Entry (WTE). By default, Bullhorn Time & Expense adds ‘WORKED’ and ‘BREAK’ adjustment codes to your account. Most other adjustment codes can be added as needed.

Before you begin

Adjustment Code Types

Adjustment codes are sorted by the following categories:

  • Hours Codes
  • Dollar Codes
  • Expense Codes

Hours Codes

Hours type adjustment codes typically include WORKED, BREAK, HOLIDAY, VACATION, and SICK items. Other items that are tracked by number of hours per day like JURY DUTY, UNPAID LEAVE, and BEREAVEMENT typically sort as Hours type adjustment codes.

Any Hours type adjustment codes will be available to TMC users when using the Add Hours options in New Transaction. Open the Pay Code menu to see the available options:

Most Hours type adjustment codes will be available to WTE users when recording time online. WTE users can open the Adjustment menu to see the available options:

Dollar Codes

Dollar type adjustment codes typically include BONUS, TIPS, COMMISSION, and DIFFERENTIAL items. Other items that are tracked by dollars like HOTEL, PARKING, AIRFARE, and MEALS typically sort as Dollar type adjustment codes.

Any dollar type adjustment codes will be available to TMC users when using the Add Dollars options in New Transaction. Open the Pay Code menu to see the available options.

Expense Codes

Expense adjustment codes will only be available to WTE users if your agency is configured for Bullhorn Time & Expense Expenses. WTE users can open the expense menu to see the available options.


Configuring Adjustment Codes

  1. Select a group or branch.
  2. open Maintenance > Administration.
  3. Click Adjustment Codes.

This menu will display an overview of the current adjustment codes.

  • Blue Adjustment codes are active and may be used.
  • Red Adjustment codes are disabled and may not be used.

Adjustment codes configured using the following method will apply to all assignments within the selected group or branch. If you need to configure expense codes at the client or work site levels, please refer to the Bullhorn Time & Expense Client Configuration Guide.

Create a New Adjustment Code

  1. Click New Adjustment Code to create a new adjustment code.
  2. Enter values for all fields needed.
    • Clock Adjustment Number: Assigns your new code a unique one character value. This number will appear on the time card.
    • Sort Order: Determines the sorting order of the code in reports.
    • Name: Allows a user to enter a specific name for an adjustment. This name will appear on the time card in the TMC. (Limited to 7 characters.)
    • Description: Allows more detail about the code.
    • Payable: Determines if the adjustment is considered as PAYABLE in reports (YES/NO).
    • Billable: Determines if the adjustment is considered as BILLABLE in reports (YES/NO).
    • Check Accrual Balance: Checks specific codes entered values against a stored balance. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
    • Grouping: Determines how the code will be grouped in Faxaroo. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
    • Count toward OT: Sets whether hours in this code will count toward each category’s OT totals. All 3 values normally will be marked with the same value.
    • Report Column: Assigns the category in which the code will appear in reports.
    • Type: Determines the type of the new adjustment code.
    • Hours Code, Hours Code 2: Track Hours codes in payfiles. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
    • Earnings Code, Earnings Code 2: Track Dollars codes in payfiles. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
    • Special Handling: Used to create no pay code tracking. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
    • Billing Markup: Will set a specific markup for hours marked with this code. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
    • FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act): Will require a start/end assignment value in Faxaroo entry if set to YES.
    • Expense Code: Will mark your code as an expense code. (Requires additional Bullhorn Time & Expense configuration.)
  3. Click Save Adjustment Code to save.

Edit an Adjustment Code

  1. Select the desired adjustment code from the menu.
    • When editing an adjustment code, you will be able to set which employee type the code applies to: Salaried employees, Hourly employees, or all.
  2. Click Update Adjustment Code to save your changes.

Some items cannot be edited after an adjustment code is created. If you need to make changes to such an item, you should create a new adjustment code and disable the one that is no longer needed.

Disable an Adjustment Code

  1. Select the desired adjustment code from the menu.
  2. Click Disable Adjustment Code.

DO NOT disable WORKED, BREAK, ADJ BILL, ADJ BILL/PAY, or ADJ PAY adjustment codes.

Enable an Adjustment Code

  1. Select the desired adjustment code from the menu.
  2. Click Enable Adjustment Code.

Working with Expense Codes

If the selected group/branch is configured for Bullhorn Time & Expense Expenses, you will see an Expense Code option on the adjustment code configuration screen. If the option is set to YES, additional options will appear.

  • Calculated Field: If set to yes, will add a specific multiplier and description to the expense code. Useful for mileage or similar expense types. You may set an effective date for when any changes take effect using this tool as well. Please note that this is an agency level setting. Making a change will impact all users within the entire agency.
  • Max Total: Allows a user to place a maximum limit on the amount of individual expenses entered under that adjustment type. Note for Max Total is optional.
  • Optional Field: Useful for tracking travel related expenses. State-City or From-To entry allowed.
  • Display on Approval: Determines whether this expense code will be included in approval requests delivered to clients.
  • Route to Auditing: Sets whether the adjustment will go to an auditing queue or not. If Limit is selected, only items that cross the threshold will be sent to an auditing queue.
    • Auditing Threshold appears only when Limit is selected.
  • Force +-: If set to (+), any value entered will be recorded as positive. If set to (-), any value entered will be recorded as negative. ‘Positive/Negative’ will record values as they are entered by the employee. Useful for payroll advance type expense codes.