
Advertisements can be created for Assignment records, allowing you to post information about a role to the internet using both external jobs and the Invenias Apply application. Multiple advertisements can be created for a single Assignment and the information within an Advertisement is inherited from the Assignment, however, this content can be overridden and modified as you require to ensure it is suitable for public consumption.

This article covers:

Creating Advertisements

To create an Advertisement, navigate to the Advertisements tab on the Assignment record and select the Create New Advertisement button:

Populating an Advertisement With Content

An Advertisement has various fields that you can use, some of which are automatically populated automatically from the Assignment at the point the Advertisement is created.

Field Description
Title The title for the Advertisement, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Reference No A reference number for the Advertisement, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Assignment A read-only field containing the Assignment name, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Company A read-only field containing the name of the Company, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Status A read-only field displaying the (Invenias Apply) published status of the Advertisement.
Employment Type The type of employment for the role, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Summary A short summary for the advertisement, displayed on the home page for Invenias Apply and used when sharing the advert via social media from Invenias Apply.
Company Profile A free text field to describe the Company. This field's visibly within Invenias can be controlled by using the "Show Company Profile" checkbox. If you choose to display the Company Profile, you can optionally display the logo for the Company using the "Show Company Logo" checkbox.
Job Description A free text field to put all the information about the role, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Package The list of all package items included as part of the role, which is automatically populated from the Assignment. The visibility of the package can be controlled using the "Show Package Details" checkbox.
Benefits Any benefits included as part of the role, which is automatically populated from the Assignment. The visibility of the benefits can be controlled using the "Show Benefits" checkbox.
Categories The Categories assigned to this Advertisements, which is automatically populated from the Assignment.
Primary Contact Information

The name of the User from your firm, who you'd like to be displayed on the Advertisement along with their job and contact information (listed below), whose visibility is controlled using the "Show" checkboxes:

  • Job Title
  • Business Tel
  • Mobile
  • Email
Secondary Contact Information The name of a secondary User from your firm, who you'd like to be displayed on the Advertisement, with all the same options as described in the Primary Contact Information above.
Generic Contact Email Address A generic email address can be specified to receive all applications for this Advertisement, instead of the applications being sent to the Primary and Secondary Contacts.

Publishing to Invenias Apply

If you are using Invenias Apply to post to your own online job board, you can publish Advertisements to Invenias Apply using the workflow buttons in the Ribbon Toolbar of the Advertisement:


All Advertisements are created with a status of Draft meaning they are not visible within Invenias Apply. If an Advertisement is visible within Invenias Apply, using the Draft button will move the status back to Draft and unpublish it so that it's no longer visible.


Permission Required: Please note, to publish an Advertisement the "Publish Advertisements" permission is required

After creating your Advertisement and filling in all the fields you want to share with potential applicants, the Publish button will move your Advertisement to a Published status and it will become visible within Invenias Apply.


The Promote button enables you to flag an Advertisement as promoted, both changing the status and presentation of Advertisement within the list on Invenias Apply. This will set the status of the Advertisement to Promoted.


You can either manually Unpublish Advertisements using the button in the Toolbar or automatically unpublish it on a given date by setting the Unpublish Date. This will set the status of the Advertisement to Unpublished.

Global Advertisements List

All Advertisements can be found in one list, accessed Outlook Ribbon Toolbar by navigating to Invenias > Advertisements.

Enabling Advertisements

To access System Preferences you need the "Access System Preferences" permission.

Advertisements can be enabled within System Preferences, by navigating to the Assignments > Basic Settings section:

And checking the Advertisements option:

After Advertisements have been enabled, an Advertisements tab will be available within Assignment records and a list of all Advertisements can be accessed from the Invenias toolbar within Outlook.