Candidate Scoring


Scoring is a powerful feature which allows an Invenias User or Client User to score a Person using unique, fully customizable assessment criteria.

Candidate scoring can be used to assess a person on an Assignment specific basis (Candidate Scoring). 

By determining a list of key assessment criteria (Scoring Metrics) which all people can be scored against, a company can form a consistent approach to assessment across all users. It can additionally be used to set out the specific unique requirements for a role in every Assignment.

Candidate scoring is configured on a per Assignment basis by either adding metrics which are in regular use from a shared library of metrics, or by creating new metrics solely for each Assignment.

This article covers:

Configuring Candidate Scoring on an Assignment


Candidate Scoring Metrics are configured on a per Assignment basis.

Open an Assignment Record and Click on the Details tab before selecting IMPORT (if you looking to use one of the Scoring Metrics stored in your Library) or ADD (if you are looking to create Scoring Criteria manually.

The IMPORT option will open the Import window and from this list you can select one or multiple Metrics to add using the Ctrl key on your keyboard:

Clicking ADD will allow you to manually define the criteria for each Scoring Metric

You can the Name, Priority, Description and Scoring Range (Min and Max Value) as well as configure the Scores as Custom Values

After configuring or importing your scoring metrics you can edit Criteria using the Settings Cog, you can re-order the Scoring Criteria using the Move UP / Move Down buttons or you can delete a Scoring Criteria.

The Min/Max value allows a user to specify the range for the assessment. This can be set from 0-10 and the Max Value must always be greater than the Min Value. For this Metric we will only require a range of 2 increments so the Min/Max values have been set at 0-1.

In addition to scoring from a numerical range e.g. 1-5, you can also choose to Enable Custom Labels for the values in the scoring range. With this option selected, the labels for the score are changed to editable free text, allowing any unique value to be entered by clicking into a label in the Preview/Edit Labels section.

In the example below, a metric has been created for an assessment which only requires scores of NO/YES. The Min value has been set to 0 and the Max Value of 1 with Enable Custom Labels checked, the labels on the 2 increments have been changed from 0 to NO and 1 to YES.

Any changes made to the metrics here will not affect the metrics in the metric library or in any other Assignments.

Professional Mobile

Open an Assignment Record and tap the Scoring Icon:

This page displays all Metrics enabled for this Assignment:

Tap the + icon (shown above) to select to Create a new Metric or Add from the Metric Library:

Tap into any metric to edit all the same fields previously described in the desktop:

To re-order the list of metrics, tap Edit:

You can drag and drop the metrics to your preferred order and delete any unwanted metrics from this page.

Adding a Candidate Score


To add a Candidate Score, open an Assignment Record, click to the Candidate Tab, select a Candidate open the Scoring tab in the Profile on the right and click ADD A SCORE:

This will open the Scoring window with your configured Scoring Criteria in it:

This window displays all metrics configured for this Assignment, using the order set for this particular Assignment. Clicking into a Metric with no score will activate the metric, allowing the User to click or drag the slider to their desired location. A User can also add a Comment to their score, to help to justify their scoring choice.

An Invenias User can leave a score on Behalf of another Invenias User or Client User by clicking into the Lookup icon in the FROM field:

Click OK to save the score and close the scoring window.

Professional Mobile

Open an Assignment Record, tap to the Candidates page and then tap into any Candidate to view the Candidate details page:

Click the + Icon and select Add new Candidate Score from the options shown below:

This will show the ADD Score page:

This page displays all metrics enabled for this Assignment in the order defined for this Assignment.

Add scores by tapping into a metric and dragging the slider:

Comments can also be left by tapping Add Comment.

Tapping into the Score From field allows you to Score on Behalf of another Invenias or Client User

Viewing Candidate Scores

Professional Desktop

Candidate Scoring can be viewed in the Scoring Pane, from within a People List or inside a Record:

Expanding the Scoring Pane from the Candidate list in an Assignment will automatically open and display Candidate Scoring from the Current Assignment:

The Scoring Pane displays all enabled metrics with scores using the order set in system preferences. The metrics are displayed with a doughnut chart to graphically represent all scores left for the metric. The colour palette is set to indicate positive scores in Green, graduating to lesser scores in Red.

The legend displays the values displayed in the chart and the number of users to have left scores for each of the values.

The user can further filter the display to show all Scores from all users or only Scores by Invenias Users (Team) or Client Users (Clients) using the filter shown below:

You can change the Assignment displayed by clicking into the Assignment name. This will show all Assignments where this person is a Candidate and also allows you to toggle to view Person Scoring:

Clicking into a metric title opens into a Master - Detail view:

This view displays all scores from all users, along with any Comments they may have added.

A user can jump to another Metric by clicking into the Metric title to select a different Metric to view:

Viewing Average Scores

You can also view the average score for Candidate scoring from the Candidate Tab in an Assignment by adding the relevant columns into the display view.

Each enabled metric for Candidate Scoring in this Assignment will add a column into the column chooser which can be added into the display view.

These appear in the format Metric Name AV. SCORE. E.g. RECOMMENDATION AV SCORE.

These columns display a numerical value of the average score from all scores. This will also show an average score for metrics with custom text labels as a numeric value, as no average can be displayed from text values.


Open an Assignment Record, tap to the Candidates page, then into a Candidate and Tap Scoring:

This will load a page showing doughnut charts for all Candidate Scoring Metrics containing scores for this Candidate:

Tap into any Metric to go into a detail view.

This view shows all Scores from all Users. You can filter scores between Invenias Users (Team), Client Users or all Scores by tapping the filter icon.

You can also view Assignment Scores directly from a Person record by opening their record and tapping to the Scoring page:

Tapping into Candidate Scores allows a user to view scores from all Assignments where this person is a Candidate.


Editing or Deleting a Candidate Score or Comments

Permission Required: Please note, to edit another Invenias User's Person Score you need the "Edit and Modify Team Feedback and Scoring" permission. To edit a Client user's score, you need the "Edit and Modify Client Feedback and Scoring" permission.

An Invenias User is always able to edit & remove their own scores and comments from any location where they view a comment. However, you can only edit or remove the scores and notes from other users if they have the relevant permissions described above. To do this click the "+ADD A SCORE" button, lookup the User whose scores you want to change/remove and adjust the score or click "Remove Score" for each score you wish to delete.

Enabling and Configuring Candidate Scoring

Professional Desktop

Candidate Scoring can be enabled and configured within System Preferences by navigating to Insight > Candidate Score, and checking the box as shown below:

All metrics enabled for Candidate Scoring are displayed on this page. Individual metrics can be created, enabled/ disabled, edited and re-ordered on this page, identically to Person Scoring described previously.

With Candidate Scoring, the metrics saved into the metric library above can be added to an Assignment when configuring scoring, but an Invenias User can also create new metrics within an Assignment. Metrics added in the Assignment will not be added into the master list. We would advise to add commonly used metrics into System Preferences, as a time saving measure to avoid user's having to constantly add the same metrics manually whenever they configure Candidate Scoring on an Assignment.

Configuring Priority Labels

Priority Labels can be used with Candidate Scoring as a guide for the importance (e.g Critical, High, Normal, Low etc) of each assessment criteria when scores are added. These can be enabled and configured within System Preferences by navigating to Insight >Priority, as shown below:

You can add/modify and re-order priority label types by clicking into Modify Priority Types: