Candidates within an Assignment


Invenias makes it easy to manage and work with your list of Candidates within an Assignment Record. The Candidates tab lists all those which have been added and allows you to manage their status/progress within the Assignment, along with any supporting notes you wish to make. 

This article covers:

Adding a Candidate to an Assignment

Candidates can be added to Assignments in several different places throughout Invenias, to make it easy to add them, whatever you're doing.

Within an Assignment

From within an Assignment Record, navigate to the Candidates tab and click the Add button. 

Or use the Add button on the Ribbon Toolbar for the Assignment and select the Add Existing Candidate option.

Both options will launch the Select Candidate(s) screen.

After selecting a Person, you can optionally select the candidate's Progress Status. With your Person selected, click Ok to add the Person as a candidate to this assignment.

Alternatively, select the New button on this dialog (top right) to create a new person as a candidate. This will open a new blank person form. Once filled in and saved, the new person will be added as a candidate to the assignment.

Candidate's Person Record

From within a Person Record, click on the Add button from the Ribbon Toolbar to reveal several options and then select the Add To Assignment as Candidate option. 

This will launch the Select Assignment window, where an Assignment can be selected and you can optionally select the candidate's Progress Status too, before clicking the OK button.

Person List View / Search Results

From a Person List View, for example the main Person List of a Person search result, right click on a Person to open the Context Menu and select the Add to Assignment as Candidate option. 

This will launch the Select Assignment window, where an Assignment can be selected and you can optionally select the candidate's Progress Status too, before clicking the OK button.

Working with Candidates

Several columns are available within the Candidate grid, allowing you to record each candidates progress along with any supporting text as required. The following columns can be used to manage your candidates:

Tip: As with all List Views, Candidates can be highlighted and pinned, to make it easier when working with a large list of people.

Progress Status

As each Candidate progresses through the Assignment process, typically between stages such as identified, early discussion, shortlisted, interview, offered and placed, their current stage can be set using the Progress Status column. The list of progress statuses can be customised and configured to meet your business process within System Preferences. For more information, refer to Configuring Statuses.

This field can additionally be updated when performing an Action (e.g. Telephone Call, Note, etc) for this candidate, whether the action is run just on them or if they are included as part of an action run on multiple candidates. 

In addition, if you run an action on a Candidate in an Assignment you will also be prompted to change the status of the Candidate to move the Candidate forward. For instance, if you run a CV Send Action on a Candidate who is at an initial Progress Status, you will be prompted to change the Progress Status to the first status in the Client Application Progress Status Group. 

Progress Notes

The Progress Notes column is a free text field and should be used along with the Progress Status column to specify additional notes to supplement the change in status, to ensure your colleagues can see more information than just the candidate's current status.

This field can additionally be updated when performing an Action (e.g. Telephone Call, Note, etc) for this candidate, whether the action is run just on them or if they are included as part of an action run on multiple candidates. 

Fit to Profile

The Fit to Profile column is also a free text field and should be used to detail why the candidate would be suitable for this role. 

This field can additionally be updated when performing an Action (e.g. Telephone Call, Note, etc) for this candidate, whether the action is run just on them or if they are included as part of an action run on multiple candidates. 

Internal Comments

The Internal Comments column is another free text field and can be used if you'd like to record any other information about the candidate that doesn't fit into your use of the Progress Notes and Fit to Profile fields.

This field can additionally be updated when performing an Action (e.g. Telephone Call, Note, etc) for this candidate, whether the action is run just on them or if they are included as part of an action run on multiple candidates. 


The Group column is a configurable drop down field, similar to the Progress Status column. This field is simply used to group your candidates into similar pools, for example "A, B, C and D" or "Gold, Silver and Bronze". This field is completely customizable and can therefore be configured your business process if you like to group your candidates. For more information on configuring the list of Groups, refer to Configuring Statuses.

Last Action

There are several last action columns available to add to the grid as follows:

  • Last Action By
  • Last Action Date & Time
  • Last Action Subject
  • Last Action Type

These columns are read-only columns, displaying information about the last action recorded to the Journal for the selected Candidate within the current Assignment.

Added to Assignment by

The Added to Assignment By field is a read-only column and shows the User who added the Candidate to the Assignment.


The Owner column also shows the User who added the Candidate to the Assignment, however, this value can be modified. When multiple Consultants are working on the same Assignment, this field can be used to identify who is responsible for which Candidates. 

Date Last Modified in Assignment 

The Date Last Modified in Assignment column shows the date a change was made to any of the Candidate fields within the Assignment and is used to indicate which candidates haven’t moved/had status changes.

Last Modified by in Assignment

The Last Modified by in Assignment field is a read-only column and shows the User who last modified any of the Candidate fields within the Assignment for audit purposes.

Person Contact Objective

Please note, this field is NOT unique to each Assignment, but can be accessed within the Candidates grid and can be used however you like, for example to manage any follow ups.

Person Objective Date

Please note, this field is NOT unique to each Assignment, but can be accessed within the Candidates grid and can be used to manage any dates related to the Person Contact Objective.

Source within Assignment

When adding Candidates to Assignments, you can specify the reason they have been included, whether it be as a result of a search of your existing database, they were found from an online resource (e.g social network search) or they were a referral from another person.

If you have situations where you wish to record multiple sources as some Candidates are referred by multiple people or you find them again after they've already been added. If you do record multiple sources, you can specify one to be the Primary Source for the Candidate, which can be used to report on and visualized within the Candidates grid.

For more information, refer to Source Management.

Feedback & Scoring

Feedback & Scoring can be enabled, allowing you to capture information about individuals unique to your business, from which, better decisions can be made. 

Feedback allows a user to document their opinion on a person and can be used to either write an opinion on a Candidate following an Interview specific to an Assignment, or a general piece of Feedback following meeting a Candidate for the first time or even from viewing their online profile/CV.

Scoring allows an Invenias User to score a Person using unique, fully customizable assessment criteria and can be left as a general assessment about a person on a non-role specific basis (Person Scoring), or on an Assignment specific basis (Candidate Scoring).

Version History

If both Version History & Status Tracking is enabled for Candidates, it will automatically keep a record of changes to the following fields within an Assignment:

  • Progress Status
  • Progress Notes
  • Fit to Profile
  • Internal Comments

This helps the user keep a track of all historical information, which is especially useful for management, reporting and in case data is accidentally removed. For more information, refer to the Version History article.

Candidate Journal

The Content Menu for a Candidate contains a View Journal option, which when selected, will show a split grid listing all Journal Items specific to the selected Candidate within the current Assignment. This allows you to see all interaction you've had with this candidate, specifically for this Assignment.

This split grid also contains a button to Show All Journal for the selected Candidate, allowing you to see other interactions with this Candidate which may have happened recently outside of this Assignment.

For more information about Actions and the Journal, please refer to the Actions & Journal article. 

Candidate Access (for Invenias Candidate)

You can digitally engage with your candidates by granting them Candidate Access to Invenias Candidate, which empowers candidates by giving them increased visibility and knowledge of the people and process that they are engaged in. You can grant candidates access to detailed information about assignments, including details on the company, upcoming interviews, and consultant contact information.