Fee Allocations


Invenias enables you to allocate fees to your team, either in a revenue recognition or commission model, either based on the total billing amount of an Assignment or on each individual billing stage. Fee Allocations is an extension to the Assignment Team functionality and to allocate fees based on individual billing events, you will need to be using the Billing functionality.

This article covers:

Simple Fee Allocation

Permission Required: Please note, to work with Fee Allocations, the "View Fee Allocations" permission is required.

The simple fee allocation functionality enables you to assign a percentage of the total billing amount of the Assignment to each team member. Fee Allocations are access from the Team tab on an Assignment record, where a Fee Allocation Column and the Fee Allocations panel can be found.

To assign a percentage of the Assignment's total billing amount to a team member, select the appropriate team member from the list and enter the percentage in the Fee Allocation field with Fee Allocations panel, ensuring the Simple Fee Allocation option is selected. The fee allocation amount will be automatically calculated and displayed next to the Fee Allocation field.

Simply repeat this process for all team members who should be receive a fee allocation for the Assignment.

Advanced Fee Allocation

Permission Required: Please note, to work with Fee Allocations, the "View Fee Allocations" permission is required.

The advanced fee allocation functionality enables you to assign a percentage of each of Assignment's individual billing event for each team member. Advanced fee allocations are accessed from the same location as simple fee allocations (above), by navigating to the Team tab on an Assignment record, where a Fee Allocation Column and the Fee Allocations panel can be found.

After selecting a team member, you will notice all the billing events for the Assignment are shown within the Advanced Fee Allocation section of the Fee Allocations panel. To assign fee allocations based on the billing events, select the appropriate team member from the list and enter the percentage in the each of the Billing Event fields with Fee Allocations panel, ensuring the Advanced Fee Allocation option is selected. The fee allocation amount for each of the billing events will be automatically calculated and displayed next to each of the fields.

Simply repeat this process for all team members who should be receive a fee allocation for the Assignment.

Origination, Conversion, Execution Fee Allocations

Included as part of the 2021.2 update.

For customers that want to record fee allocations based on individual contributions to these three key stages in delivering an Assignment, Invenias supports a third option, the ability to define fee allocation as a % of the Assignment value.

  • Origination - Finding the business
  • Conversion - Winning the business
  • Execution - Delivering the business

With this option enabled (to enable, an Admin user must check the box in System Preferences>Billing & Invoicing>Basic Settings), an additional 3rd option will display in the Assignment Team tab:

You can enter and record a Percentage value for each team member against their contribution as Originator, Convertor, and Executor. The panel will update to display the Fee amount, as a % of the overall billable value of the Assignment.

The Fee allocation column in the grid will also display the % values entered for OCE.

Locking Fee Allocations

Permission Required: Please note, to unlock Fee Allocations, the "Modify Locked Fee Allocations" permission is required.

After the fee allocations have been inputted, you may not want these values changed, especially after they have been paid to your team. To prevent future changes, click on the Lock Fee Allocations button.

After fee allocations have been locked, a Fee Allocations Banner will be displayed and the lock button will change and become an Unlock Fee Allocations button for those for have the "Modify Locked Fee Allocations" permission.