Assignment Dashboard


This article contains information about the Assignment Dashboard. The Dashboard tab on the Assignment offers a high level overview, broken down into several different widgets, enabling Users to get a summary of what's going on at a glance.

Information on the Dashboard Tab

Assignment open for

This shows how many days the Assignment has been open, which is calculated based on the Milestone which is marked as a Start Date. If there isn't a milestone marked as start date, this widget displays days since the Assignment record was created.

Last activity on

This shows the date of last activity in the Assignment, which is calculated based on the last entry in the activity stream.

Active candidates

This shows a count of active vs total candidates, which is calculated based on the number of candidates at an 'active' progress status. A progress status is considered as active if it belongs to any of the following progress status groups: Contact, Consultant Interview, Client Application, Client Interview, Offer, Placement.

Next milestone

This shows the next milestone and when's it due, which is defined by the milestone that follows the last one completed and the date due for that milestone.

Interviews scheduled

This shows the count of interviews scheduled, which is calculated based on the number of Interview Actions where the Date is in the future, broken down by Action Types.

Interviews held

This shows the count of interviews held, which is calculated based on the number of Interview Actions where the Date is today or in the past, broken down by Action Types.

Candidate by progress status

This show the count of candidate, broken down by Progress Status.


This lists all of the team members and their role(s).


This lists all of the clients and their role(s).

Pinned Journal items

This shows the three most recent pinned journal items, and an indication as to how many journal items have been pinned, so you know if there are more than three.


The activity lists key events in a descending order with the most recent items are at the top of the list, so anyone working with the record can see what has happened recently and who has performed the actions. More information about which events are shown in the activity stream can be found in this article.