Dashboard in Records & Activity Stream


This article contains information about the Dashboard tab and Activity Stream.

Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab available in People, Company, Assignment and Programme Records displays recent activity for the record. The activity lists key events in a descending order with the most recent items are at the top of the list, so anyone working with the record can see what has happened recently and who has performed the actions.

Events Logged to the Activity Stream

The current set of events logged to the activity stream are as follows, however, more events will continue to be added:

Person Record

  • Person record created
  • Person client status changed
  • Person candidate status changed
  • Person added to assignment as candidate
  • Person added to assignment as client
  • Person added to assignment as referral partner
  • Person added to programme
  • Person candidate progress status changed
  • Person programme progress status changed
  • Person new current default position
  • Person Job Title Changed
  • Person like added
  • Person feedback added
  • Comment on person feedback
  • Candidate feedback added
  • Comment on candidate feedback
  • Person scoring added
  • Candidate scoring added

Company Record

  • Company record created
  • Company client status changed
  • Company added to programme
  • Company programme progress status changed

Assignment Record

  • Person added to assignment as candidate
  • Person added to assignment as client
  • Person added to assignment as referral partner
  • Person candidate progress status changed
  • Candidate feedback added
  • Comment on candidate feedback
  • Candidate scoring added
  • Assignment record created
  • Assignment status changed
  • Assignment offer created
  • Assignment placement created

Programme Record

  • Person added to programme
  • Person programme progress status changed
  • Company added to programme
  • Company programme progress status changed
  • Programme record created
  • Programme status changed