Web List Views

List Views in Invenias are used to display data in your database. These views are used throughout the Desktop and Web app in all places where list views are used (E.g.: Search results, People, Companies, etc).

Users are able to customize the display views by adding different columns, filtering, sorting and grouping to display their preferred choice of data in their preferred order.

Filtering a View

Category Filter

  1. Click the Tag icon.
  2. In the Category Filter popup, under the Filter Values tab, click any of the given options to filter by that value.
    • For example, Technology Test.
    • You may select as many of these as you would like.

To remove the filter, navigate to the Category Filter and click Clear All.

To save your view once you've applied your filter, see How To Save Web Views.

Auto Filter

For more complex searches, you may add an auto filter row into your list view.

  1. For the menu, click the three dots icon.
  2. Click Show Filter Row.
  3. Hover over the magnifying glass for your desired column header and select the condition you wish to apply.

  4. To signify the filter is active, this action changes the magnifying glass to your chosen condition.
  5. Enter what you would like to filter on.
    1. For example, we are choosing to search for the "CTO" job title.

To create an Advanced Filter, see Advanced Search - Essentials Web App.

To remove the filter, repeat step 1 and click Reset.

Sorting and Grouping


You can sort the list view by a particular column:

  • Sort from A-Z: Click into the relevant column header once to sort the column in ascending order.
  • Sort from Z-A: Click into the relevant column header twice to sort the column in descending order.


The list view can be grouped by the selected Column.

From the Column Method

  1. Right click on the column header.
  2. Click Group By This Column.

From the Menu Method

  1. For the menu, click the three dots icon.
  2. Click Show Group Panel.
  3. Drag and drop the column header into the newly revealed Group Panel.
    • You can drag and drop more than one filter into the Group Panel.
  4. You may change the sort order of the groups by opening the Group Row and clicking on the column you want to sort on.

You can remove the grouping by dragging and dropping the corresponding column header back to its original position.

Word Wrap

You may configure the height and width of the list view columns and rows so they adjust automatically to fully display the content.

  1. For the menu, click the three dots icon.

  2. Click Word Wrap.