Desktop List Views


List Views in Invenias are used to display data in your database. These views are used throughout the Desktop and Web app in all places where list views are used (EX: Search results, People, Companies, etc).

Users are able to customize the display views by adding different columns, filtering, sorting and grouping to display their preferred choice of data in their preferred order.

List Views are also often used by users as an alternative to Advanced Search and Reporting, as you can easily search and manipulate the view and data displayed to a user's preference.

This article covers:

Opening a Global List View

In this example we will open the People Global List, the same process applies for opening the list view for any of the other main Record Types.

Open Outlook and click into the icon next to People, this will open the People list using the Default view:

If you would prefer to select a view other than the Default, click the People Drop Down, then select any view to open the People list with the selected view: 

You can also jump to a Global List view from the Go To shortcut in the Toolbar of any open Record:

Opening through any of these routes will open the Global People list:

Searching a List View

Click into the Search Box in the top left to enter a search term to search the List. In this example we will search the Full Name field for People named John.

You can select a different field to search on e.g. Company Name by clicking into the search dropdown.

Additionally, you can filter your results by Recent or Favourites:

Recent Items are Records which have been created or modified by the current user, listed with the most recent first. 

Favourites (previously Live Items) are Records which have been selected as favourite by the current user.

Reordering, Adding, Removing Columns

Adding columns requires permissions.

For more information, see Global and User Views.

Reordering Columns

You can change the order which the columns display in the list view.

  1. Click the column of which you wish to change the order.
  2. Drag and drop this column to your desired location.

If you drag and drop a column outside of the column headers the column will be removed from the display view.

Adding Columns 

You can add new columns to the display view.

  1. Right-click on any column's header.
  2. Click Show Column Chooser.
    1. This menu will show you all of the available columns that can be added into the list view.
  3. In the Column Chooser popup, identify the column you would like to add.
  4. Drag and drop this column into the list view.

Removing Columns

Click into the header of the column you wish to remove and drag it above or below the list view until you see a red X appear, let go of the mouse and the column will be removed. 

Sorting and Grouping


You can sort the list view by a particular column:

  • Sort from A-Z: Click into the relevant column header once to sort the column in ascending order.
  • Sort from Z-A: Click into the relevant column header twice to sort the column in descending order.


There are two methods for grouping. Through either method:

  • Group: The list view will be grouped by the selected Column.
  • Sort: You may change the sort order of the groups by opening the Group Row and clicking on the column you want to sort on.
  • Nest: You may nest multiple groups.

From the Column Method

  1. Right click on the column header.
  2. Click Group By This Column.

From the Menu Method

  1. For the menu, click the three dots icon.

  2. Click Show Group Panel.

  3. Drag the column header into the newly revealed group panel.


Pinning gives you the ability to make a row stick to the top above all other rows, and appear with a red text highlight.

To pin a specific row, right-click on the row and click Pin Item.

Best Fit & Word Wrap

Best Fit

You may adjust the width of the column to fit your current list view.

  1. Right-click on your desired column header.
  2. You have two fit options:
    • Best Fit: Allows you to best fit the column on an individual column basis.
    • Best Fit (all columns): Allows you to best fit alll columns in the display view.

Word Wrap

You may configure the height and width of the list view columns and rows so they adjust automatically to fully display the content.

  1. For the menu, click the three dots icon.
  2. Click Word Wrap.

Filtering a View

Basic Filter

  1. Hover over the column you would like to filter.
  2. Click the Key icon the appears.
  3. In the Filter popup, under the Filter Values tab, click any of the given options to filter by that value.
    • For example, Target Candidate.
    • You may select as many of these as you would like.

Advanced Filter

For more complex searches, you may create an advanced filter.

  1. Right-click any column header and click Filter Editor.
  2. In the Filter Editor popup, add your complex filter.
    • The filter editor allows you to create a complex filter using Boolean conditions (EX: AND/OR/NOT).
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Back in the display view, if a row appears under your list view, that means the view contains a filter. You can:
    • Edit this filter: Click the pencil icon.
    • Clear this filter: Click the X icon.

Auto Filter

You can add an auto filter row into your list view.

  1. Right-click any column header and click Show Auto Filter.
  2. In the row that appeared under the column headers, enter the information you would like to filter the list view by.

Saving a View

Saving a view requires permissions.

For more information on User and Global views, see Global and User Views.

If you create a view that you would like to use again, you may save it.

  1. Click into the select view dropdown and choose Save Current View.

  2. In the the Save Current View popup, enter your choice of the following:

    • View Name: Enter the desired name.
      • If you choose not to assign the view a new name, this means you are opting to overwrite your current view.
    • View Type: Choose whether this is a User view or a Global view.
      • User views are only available to you.
      • Global views are available to all users.
    • Make This My Default View: Check this if you want the view you are saving to be your Default view.

  3. Click Ok.

If you chose not to overwrite your current view, your new view will appear in the Desktop Views tab.

Invenias Pane and Web Tabs

The right hand side of the list view contains Invenias Panels (Summary Pane, Feedback Pane, Scoring Pane, Category Filter, Record Management Filter, CV/Resume Pane and Web Tabs:

These allow the Invenias User to jump up and down a row in the list view with a panel or web tab open to view the content of the panel. 

Exporting Data from a View 

Permission Required: Please note, to Export data from a List View requires the user permission "Print & Export Data".

Right click on any of the column headers in a list view in Invenias and click Print or Export:

Export will create an Excel spreadsheet containing the data displayed in the current view. Print will create a print preview of the data in the current view

Invenias would advise that the Permission to Print and Export Data is only granted to users who absolutely require this functionality for their job role and it is not a standard permission to grant across all users.  

Context menu

You can perform many activities directly from any of the List Views without having to open each individual record by right clicking into any row to reveal the Context Menu:

The contextual options will be different depending on the Record type in the list view. This menu can provide significant shortcut to performing many activities such as running actions, changing categories, adding people to an Assignment as Candidates etc. 

You can share a record from any list view through the context menu. THis enables a user to send another User an email with a note expalining the reason why the record was shared, or the ability to create a Link to the record which can be shared via email or instant messenger.

Adding Highlight Colors to Relational List Views

An Invenias User can use a highlight option to add highlight colors to records in relational list views. This includes the Candidates Tab in an Assignment, the People tab in a Programme and other relational list views.

The User selects a Record and either clicks the highlight button in the selected row toolbar, or right clicks on a row in the list view and selects highlight:

Provided the column for "Highlight" has been added into the display view the user can group/sort using the column.