Proxy Server Configuration


If you are using a proxy to access the Internet you will need configure Invenias to allow the database to sync.

Please note that you will not need specific Invenias permissions to do this, but it is recommended that you consult with your IT team.

Invenias is a .NET application, which by default should inherit the Proxy Server settings from Internet Explorer.

However, .NET 3.5 does not support the use of Automatic Configuration Scripts. If you are using Automatic Configuration Scripts then you will need to hard code the Proxy Server details into .config files which are then added to the Invenias directory in Program Files, so that this overrides the use of the Automatic Configuration Scripts.

Install Invenias as normal and then follow these steps:

Download the file from the link below and extract both of the .config files to your computer.

Open both the Invenias.exe.config and Invenias.OutlookAddin[VERSION].dll.config files in Notepad and enter your Proxy Server Information.

You will need to enter your Proxy Server Name or IP address followed by the Port No as illustrated by the colours in the example below. You need to enter this information into both of the above mentioned files.


        <defaultProxy enabled='true' useDefaultCredentials='true'>            
             <proxy bypassonlocal='True' proxyaddress='http://myproxyservername:8080'/>        

Once you have entered the correct information into each of the .config files, you need to save them into the Invenias directory in Program Files, as shown below.

'C:\Program Files\Invenias'

Now restart Outlook & Invenias.

If your Proxy Server configuration is correct, Invenias will start Synchronising with the Server.