Creating a Goals Activity Report in Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas)

If setting goals and quotas for your recruiters is par for course in your business, you will want to be able to track their progress. You can use Bullhorn Reporting to create a Goals Activity Report to show you if your recruiters are meeting their goals and how often.

The following instructions can be used to build a report from start to finish.

Creating the List

  1. From the Toolbox tab, double-click List and select OK.
  2. From the Source tab, expand Goals & Quotas Analysis, expand User, and drag Name to the list.
  3. Expand Activity Goal History and drag Activity Type to the list.
  4. We want our list to show activities grouped by recruiter and activity type.

  5. Highlight the column bodies for both columns and select Group/Ungroup.
  6. From the Toolbox tab, select the Textual drop-down, and drag Query Calculation onto the list.
  7. In the Name field, type “Week Count”.
  8. Copy and paste the below snippet into Expression Definition and select OK:
    Copy and paste the below snippet into Expression Definition and select OK: Count ( distinct[PRESENTATION VIEW - GOAL AND QUOTA ANALYSIS].[USER ACTIVITY GOAL HISTORY].[endDate] for [Name] )
  9. Highlight the Week Count column.
  10. To ensure we get a total count of the weeks, we need to tell Canvas what type of aggregate function to use. The aggregate function is what controls how Canvas sums the information requested by the selected data item. The default is automatic, but with expressions like what we just added that can mean getting a true/false (1/0) indication rather than a total count.

  11. In the Show Properties pane, under Data Item, change both the Detail aggregation and Summary aggregation to Total.
  12. Add another Query Calculation and in the Name field, type “# of Weeks Goal Achieved”.
  13. In the Expression Definition field copy and paste the below snippet. Then select OK:

    THEN (1)
    ELSE (0)

  14. Highlight the # of weeks goal achieved column body.
  15. In the Show Properties pane, under Data Item, change both the Detail Aggregation and Summary Aggregation to Total.
  16. Add another Query Calculation and call it “% Weeks Achieved”.
  17. From the Data items tab, double-click # of Weeks Goal Achieved and type "/".
  18. Double-click Week Count and select OK.
  19. In the Show Properties pane, under Data change the Data format field to Percent.
  20. Save and Run your report.

You now have a basic Goals Activity Report that will tell you how your recruiters are doing toward their weekly goals. You can enhance this report by using Creating a Period to Date Choice Prompt in Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas), Conditional Formatting, or adding additional columns as you see fit.