Creating a Notes Activity Report in Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas)

Tracking your recruiters activity is a great way to keep tabs on your business. You can create a report in Bullhorn Reporting to tell you exactly the type of activities your recruiters are taking.

The following instructions assume you’re starting with a blank report in Bullhorn Reporting.

Creating the List

We’re going to start with a basic list report that holds our recruiters’ names.

  1. From the Toolbox, double-click List and select OK.
  2. In the Source tab, expand User Activity Analysis, expand User, and drag Name onto the List.
  3. From the Toolbox, select the Textual drop down and then double-click Query Calculation. Change the Name to “Prescreen”.
  4. In the Expression Definition place the below text:
    if ([NOTE ADDED].[NOTE].[action] in (
  5. Under Available Components, expand User Activity Analysis, expand Note Added, expand Note, right-click Note Action and choose Select Value.
  6. Search for the desired note action value. In our example we used "Prescreen".
  7. Add a couple of closing parentheses, then copy and past the below expression below your first line:
    THEN (1)
    ELSE (0)
  8. Highlight the column body for Prescreen.
  9. In the Show Properties pane, under Data Item, change the Detail aggregation and the Summary aggregation to Total. This is to avoid the system defaulting to true or false.
  10. Repeat steps 3-9 for every type of note action you want to track.
  11. To add the totals per recruiter, highlight the column body for Name and select Group/Ungroup.
  12. Save and Run your report.

You now have a customized Notes Activity Report. You can enhance your report by, for example, using Creating a Period to Date Choice Prompt in Bullhorn Reporting (Previously Canvas) or Conditional Formatting.