Editions Available: Corporate;Enterprise Audience: Administrative Users

Using Field Mappings


This article outlines how to use Field Mappings. As an administrator, you use Field Mappings to control the location and behavior of fields that display on the Add & Edit pages of your records.

Caution should be used when modifying any named fields. Use custom fields rather than repurposing existing fields.

Field Mappings Details

In Field Maps, click on the field name to find the number of characters allowed in the field. It is listed underText Field Limit.

You access Field Mappings from the Bullhorn menu, under Admin.

  • S-Release: From your Bullhorn Menu, select Tools > Field Mappings.

As an administrator, you use Field Mappings to control the location and behavior of fields that display on the Add & Edit pages of your records, such as:

  • The name of the field.
  • The order in which the fields appear (and whether or not they appear at all).
  • Whether or not the field is required to complete.
  • If the field is a drop-down or picker, the values that appear within that field, if there is a default value, and how many values a user can select at once.
  • Brand new fields that you create.
  • Defined opportunity, job, and placement tracks.

Each set of field mappings is broken down by entity. For example, to change the values that appear within the Status drop-down on the contact record, expand the Contact entity and locate the Status field. If necessary, you can use the column headers as filters.

Because all records (except for companies) must have owners in Bullhorn, the Owner field must always be required. If you un-select the Required check box for an Owner field and then attempt to create and and save a record without an owner, you'll see an error message.