Editions Available: All Editions Audience: Administrative Users

Import and Export Fields

Bullhorn allows you to import or export several fields from your database.

Viewing the List of Available Import Fields

All available import fields appear following the below steps. We are unable to add additional fields for import.

  • Navigate to Menu > Tools > Custom Import.
  • From the Record Type drop down menu, select the entity you want to import.
  • Select your import file.
  • For the proper import file format, see Importing Data to Bullhorn.
  • Click Continue.
  • The next screen will look this:
  • ​From the Field Map drop down, you will be able see the full list of available import fields for that entity.

Viewing a List of Available Export Fields

  • Visit the entity list of your choice.
    • Candidate, Contact, Company, etc.
  • Select Columns.
    • Any field you see listed here is available for export.