Add Images, PDFs, or Documents to a Bullhorn Automation Email


This article outlines how to add additional content to your Bullhorn Automation emails using the File Manager and steps for attaching PDFs and documents directly to an email without using the File Manager.

The maximum allowed file size is 20MB. Valid file types are images, PDF, MS Excel, MS Word, and other common text documents.

The File Manager

The email editor includes a built-in File Manager that allows you to:

  • Browse, search, and sort existing files.
  • Import new images or files.
  • Create folders.
  • Preview and insert images into your message.

Accessing the File Manager

The File Manager will open when you click Browse on an image placeholder. To insert an image placeholder, drag and drop an image content block into a message.

You can also open the File Manager by clicking the Change Image button in the Image Properties panel.

The File Manager opens over the editor, covering the entire working area so you can browse your files without worrying about your screen size or resolution. The top section contains actions and navigation helpers, while the rest of the space lists your files and their details.

Uploading Files

  1. Click the Upload button to open your computer's file browser.
  2. Navigate to your desired file and click Open to upload the file into your File Manager. The maximum allowed file size is 20MB.
    • If you're adding a multiple page PDF, we recommend uploading a file that is 4MB or lower to ensure the entire file is visible.

Importing Files from Other Applications

Click the Import button to connect external applications such as DropBox, Google Drive, and Instagram, and import your files.

Searching for Stock Photos

Need a cool photo for your email message? Click the Search free photos button to search for free, high quality stock photos.

We’ve partnered with three popular stock photo services to offer Bullhorn Automation users the ability to search through a large repository of images that are free to use under the Creative Common Zero (CC0) license:

Adding an Image

  1. Enter your chosen search terms to return a list of matching photos. Each image preview shows you which of the services it came from, a link to the original image, and an Import button.
  2. Click Import to import an image from the search results. After you import the image, you will see it in the File Manager.
  3. Click the Insert button to add the image to your message.

Browsing and Searching Files

To locate your desired image or document, browse your folders and order their content by Name, Date, Size or Type by clicking on the sort labels on top of the list. An arrow icon next to a label means that this is the current filter. The orientation of the arrow shows the sort order, ascending or descending.

Click on the lens icon to run a search of the current folder. Filtering will be applied to the results. Note that this search is performed only in the folder you are in, not in your entire repository.

Using Files

When you hover your cursor over a file or folder, that row will be highlighted and the available action icons will display on the right side:

  • Insert and Preview for files
  • Delete for both files and folders

Only empty folders can be deleted. If you try to delete a folder that contains files, or another action that is not available, you will be notified by the tooltip text of the icon.

If you want to delete multiple files or folders, use the check boxes to select them, then click the Delete icon shown on top of the list. Only elements that can be deleted will have a selectable check-box.

Organizing Folders

You can create your preferred folder structure to organize your files.

To add new folders, select the Add Folder icon. Folder names can contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

To navigate to the parent folder, select the top breadcrumb. Clicking the Home icon will take you to your root folder.

Once you upload a file, you cannot move it to another folder, so we recommend creating the folder first and then uploading your files there. If you need to move a file to another folder, you can re-upload it to the correct folder and delete the original.

Adding PDFs or Documents

If you are using file types such as PDF, you can link content in your message to those files using a couple of different methods.

Allowed file types are images, PDF, MS Excel, MS Word, and other common text documents.

Via the Attachments Area

For best results, you should only use this option for supported file types under 4MB. For larger files, its best to use the File Manager.

Via the File Manager (Recommended)

Select an image or a button and click Link file below the URL field.

Alternatively, use the Insert/edit link dialog in the text editor, and select File Manager from the Link Type drop-down menu.

In both cases, the File Manager will open showing all the available files. You can either upload a new file or select an existing one. When you select a file, the link will be created.