Engagement Activity List Criteria
The Activity section of the search criteria list includes criteria for engagements.
After selecting each of the following criteria, a box will appear that allows you to specify which engagement you want to see records for. Criteria include:
- Submitted Engagement: These are records where a recipient has answered all required questions and pressed Submit in a specified survey.
- You can segment this further by specifying questions and answers as part of your criteria, and by including a Within Last X Days time frame.
- Taken Engagement: These are records where a recipient has answered any of the specified survey questions and don't need to have pressed Submit.
- You can segment this further by specifying questions and answers as part of your criteria, and by including a Within Last X Days time frame.
- Has Not Taken Engagement: These are records that have Not Taken the Survey.
- You can segment this further to find records that may have Taken the Survey but not answered one question in particular, and by including Within Last X days timeframe.
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