Configure Candidate Indexing with Textkernel

These steps will configure the standard CandidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. Data Model, which defines what candidate data is synced with Textkernel and indexed. This involves customizing the trace message format (TMFClosed A technical term, not specific to BH4SF. It's a file format used in parsing.) file, which is a structured text file that contains instructions for parsing and formatting. This data model customization needs to be coordinated between the Bullhorn for Salesforce Professional Services team and Textkernel to be able to be implemented.

All Textkernel Search and Match setup procedures are available here.

Changes to Out-of-the-Box TMF

For any change to the TMF, go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Textkernel object configuration and click on Manage Records, then choose Edit Candidate.

Checkboxes in the TMF require either a numeric value or a true/false value. The default is True/False but this can be customized by adding attributes:

  • To send 1/0, add the attribute bhtk:convertBooleanToNumeric="true"
  • To send yes/no, add the attribute bhtk:convertBooleanToYesNo="true"

These additional attributes should be added to the respective TMF nodes. For Contact nodes, update the itemGroup tag for respective fields. For all related objects and fields (such as Education/Employment), update the Field tag

In some Orgs, <ItemGroup> with the OtherCountryCode field may need to be removed from the TMF, per this screenshot:

Configure Which Contacts are Indexed

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > Textkernel configuration and click on Manage Records.
  2. Check if these two fields are on the page layout and if not, add them:

For example, you could use a checkbox field DoNotIndex__c and configure this setting as follows:

  • Candidate Filter Field: DoNotIndex__c
  • Candidate Filter Value: False

This will result in all ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). that have the DoNotIndex__c checkbox unchecked to be included in the Indexing.

Do not use package field TR1__donotuseinsam__c for this configuration, as there is logic attached to this field that results in Contacts with TR1__donotuseinsam__c = True being excluded from search results.

Start Indexing

  1. Go to the Textkernel Management tab.
  2. Click on Queue all CandidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. for Indexing.
  3. Once they are queued, click on Start Indexer.

Next Procedure

Configure Job Indexing with Textkernel