Off Limits Policies: Contact


Off Limit Contact policies are created for a nominated Contact and result in that Contact becoming Off Limits immediately. This is different from other policy types where criteria are set and only ContactsClosed A contact (or client contact) is the person who the recruiter is working with at a Company. In Talent Rover a Contact can be either a Client Contact or a Candidate Contact. Both types of Contacts are stored in the same object (Contact). meeting them become Off Limits. This article covers how to create Off Limit Contact policies. You can create an Off Limit Contact policy for one or multiple Contacts.

Creating an Off Limit Contact Policy

  1. Navigate to the Off Limit Policies Related List on the relevant Contact record.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. The new Off Limit Policy page will open in Edit mode with the Record Type field and Contact Lookup field pre-populated.
  4. Choose the policy configuration from the options in the table below:
Field Name APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. Name Field Type Description Supports Updates
Description TR1__Description__c Text(255) General description of the policy. Yes
Reason TR1__Reason__c Text(255)

The name / short description of this policy. The value in this field is shown in the Off Limits warning/block popup to inform users why the Contact they selected is Off Limit.

This field is required at database level and must always be populated. If not, even when removed from the layout, users will not be able to save the policy.


Reason Code Reason_Code__c Picklist

This can be used to specify the reason for the Off Limits instead of the TR1_Reason_c text field.

TR1_Reason_c is required at database level.

If the Reason Code option is preferred, the below steps should be taken:

  1. Enable the setting: Navigate to Setup > Custom Settings > Executive Search. Choose Override Reason with Reason Code.
  2. Make Reason Code a mandatory field.


Legal Reason TR1__Legal_Reason__c Text(255) Legal reason for enforcing this policy, if relevant. Yes
Type TR1__Type__c


The behavior enforced at checkpoints when an Off Limits Contact is selected for some actions. The options are Block or Warning.

Yes. If the value is changed on an existing policy, the change is only propagated to Line Items created afterwards.

Start Date TR1__Start_Date__c Date The date when the policy starts taking effect. If no value is added manually, it defaults to today. Yes
End Date TR1__End_Date__c Date The date when this policy ends. If no value is added manually, it is populated with today's date when the policy is disabled. The end date can be extended at any time by updating this field. Yes
Active TR1__Active__c Checkbox Flag that shows whether the policy is active or not.
If unchecked, the policy and all related Off Limits Line Items are disabled.

Data Model

The Off Limit Policy Contact object is only used in the background to relate Off Limit Policy records with Contact records. Below is an example of what that model looks like: