Default Analytics Data Sources


This article will detail the various Data Sources which are used to provide data for Analytics Dashboards. This is intended to assist Advanced Invenias users who are aiming to create or modify Dashboards themselves.

Data Sources

Data Source Description
Assignment Forecast This dataset includes all the Forecast information (dates, values and weighting) for Assignments along with all the main Assignment fields including Company, Location, Status and Source.
Assignment Billing This dataset contains Assignment Billing Events and all their information, including value, weighting and whether or not they've been paid or billed. The link to the Assignment they belong to is also present, along with some information about the Assignment itself too.
Assignment Billing User Similar to the Assignment Billing dataset, this contains Assignment Billing Events, however, this can be filter by the user who is the owner of the Billing Event.
Assignment Created and Movement by User This dataset is a count of Assignments that have been created and then moved between Assignment Status Groups and is segmented by the Record Owner.
Assignment Created and Movement by Business Unit This dataset is a count of Assignments that have been created and then moved between Assignment Status Groups and is segmented by the Business Unit.
Assignment Created and Movement by Practice Area This dataset is a count of Assignments that have been created and then moved between Assignment Status Groups and is segmented by the practice area.
Assignment Created and Movement by Region This dataset is a count of Assignments that have been created and then moved between Assignment Status Groups and is segmented by the Region.
Assignment Created and Movement by Team This dataset is a count of Assignments that have been created and then moved between Assignment Status Groups and is segmented by the team.
Assignment Created and Movement by Location This dataset is a count of Assignments that have been created and then moved between Assignment Status Groups and is segmented by the Location.
Assignment Candidate Progress Counts This dataset has counts for the number of Candidates at each Progress Status Group, including the Assignment Start and End Dates, defined by the Milestones.
Assignment Candidate Progress Movement Dates This dataset conatins the dates the first candidate moved to each Progress Status Group and the dates the last candidate moved to each Progress Status group along with the Assignment Start and End Dates, defined by the Milestones.
Assignment Candidate Progress Movement Count This dataset has counts for the number of Candidates in total as well counts for the total Candidates that have moved to each Progress Status Group.
Assignment Actions Count This dataset includes all Assignments and a total count for each action, for example, Consultant Interviews.
Assignment Progress and Timing This dataset includes all Assignments, dates when the first and last Candidates moved to each of the status groups as well as the dates the first and last Candidates were involved with each of the action types, along with the Assignment Start and End Dates, defined by the Milestones.
Assignment Progress and Timing by Team Members This dataset includes fields mentioned in the previous dataset with the addition of team member fields.
User Activity (12 Months) This dataset includes counts of Journal activities created and Records created by user in the past 12 months.
Telephone Calls by Action Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the Telephone Journal action.
Notes by Action Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the Note action.
Emails by Actions Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the email action.
CV Send by Action Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the SendCV action.
Consultant Interviews by Action Type and User (Where User Created) This dataset includes fields related to the Consultant Interview action, where the user created the action.
Consultant Interviews by Action Type and User (Where User is Interviewer) This dataset includes fields related to the Consultant Interview action, where the user is the Interviewer.
Client Interviews by Action Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the Client Interview action.
Tasks by Action Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the Tasks action.
Feedback by Action Type and User This dataset includes fields related to the Feedback action.
Client Interviews by Team Members This dataset includes fields related to the Client Interview action, including Assignment and Company Name.

If you feel that there are certain fields missing from existing Data Sources or Data Sources which need to be added, please raise an idea detailing the Dataset to the Invenias Ideas Portal.

Invenias Professional Services are happy to engage with you to Create Custom Dashboards for your specific requirements. Please contact or call on +44 (118) 310 0800 to discuss further.