Implementation Guide for Invenias Analytics Dashboards


Analytics is a premium feature which empowers Invenias Users with the ability to view, create and share customisable dashboards to visualise the data in their database. Analytics is made available to our customers through the Executive Subscription, which includes a bundle of a number of our premium products. Please contact your Invenias account manager if you would like to discuss upgrading.

This article outlines the steps to implementing the Analytics premium feature and contains links to all related help articles in Invenias Help. The content below has been prepared to help Invenias customers self serve in their implementation of the pre-configured default dashboards. This includes basic steps on how to edit dashboards to work with your unique data requirements. You may choose, as part of your implementation, to purchase support from a Product Consultant who will walk you through all of these steps and guide you through making basic adjustments to the Default Dashboards. It's also possible, if your analytics requirements are truly unique to your data, to consider purchasing time from our Professional Services team to build Data Sources or Dashboards. More on this in the "Confirm if you need support" section.

The steps to implementing the Analytics feature are:

Enabling Analytics Dashboards

Once you have signed an order, our Team will enable the Analytics Dashboards product. If you have any questions about the progress of enabling Dashboards, please contact your Account Manager or email

An overview of how to access and use dashboards, once enabled, can be found here.

Familiarise yourself with the default dashboards and check data

To help you get started when you first activate Analytics we provide a number of dashboards already pre-loaded. These Dashboards show core data from your Invenias system and, for some clients, that may be all they need to get started. These Dashboards are in the process of being updated, this article gives you detail on the data and setup of the new defaults.

As part of a paid implementation, we'll answer any questions you may have about the data in these defaults. It's important that you understand these dashboards, so you can check the data in your system is consistent, but also because anything outside of our defaults may require a Custom Dashboard project.

Confirm if you need support for your implementation

Once you've reviewed the content in this article you'll have a better sense of how much support you might need. By this stage of the process, you will already have engaged with your Account Manager to discuss your options. We encourage our customers to consider self-serving your way through this implementation process, free of charge. However, if you need help, your Account Manager can arrange an introduction to one of our Partners who offer paid support options for these implementations.

Consider Importing Additional Dashboards

Invenias make enhancements to features on a regular basis and in line with this, we may also create additional dashboards that are useful for all our clients. When we do that, we make them available to all users to import via a library and this article explains the import process.

Understanding Filtering in Dashboards

Some of the default Data Sources have a hardcoded date limit, to reduce the amount of data being loaded by the Dashboards to improve the performance and load times of those Dashboards. For Example, "User Activity" only loads the last 12 months of data relating to Action and Record Creation. There may be occasions where you want to apply a Master filter to the data being visualised, or within an individual widget in a Dashboard apply a filter. You can apply a filter to a Dashboard based on any field in the selected Data Source or add the field as a Hidden Dimension to an individual widget before then applying a filter to that widget. You'll find an article on filtering Analytics Dashboards here.

Our default Data Sources can not be edited. Advanced users with a strong knowledge of Microsoft SQL can create Custom Data Sources by querying our Abstraction Layer. The article here will cover this process and our Professional Services team can be engaged to quote for supporting this activity.

Editing Dashboards

Once you are comfortable with the default dashboards you may also find you have a requirement to customise these dashboards to show the data in a different way or change any filters. The Analytics platform comes with a built-in editor feature, so is fully customisable and gives you the power to visualise your data in a way that suits your and your business.

To help you we have a created a series of articles that walk through the basics of recreating some of our default dashboards:

If you become an advanced user of other Dashboard Applications you can view a technical guide here.

Sharing your Dashboards

Finally, don’t forget that any users who aren’t System Administrators will need to have your selected dashboards shared with them before they can view them as per this article here.

To learn more and get started with this premium feature, please contact your Invenias Account Manager or email