Bullhorn Standard Fields Synced by Default


This article lists the Bullhorn ATS fields that are synced with Bullhorn Automation as standard so that you can use them within your lists.

Standard Entity Fields

There are some fields within Bullhorn ATS that Bullhorn Automation syncs with as standard. When you navigate to Settings > Bullhorn > Bullhorn Integration Settings you will see these fields as a greyed-out check box under each entity.

In Bullhorn Automation, the names for these fields will be a reflection of the standard Bullhorn ATS field name in your field mappings, not what you have detailed in your field label:

All other unhidden fields in your Bullhorn ATS field mappings will reflect the label name in Bullhorn Automation:

Hidden fields will reflect the standard Bullhorn ATS field name in your field mappings, not what you have detailed in your field label:

Standard Candidate Fields

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
First Name firstName
Last Name lastName
Email email
Phone Number mobile (or phone if mobile is blank)
Owner recruiterUserID
Date Available dateAvailable
Date of Birth dateOfBirth
Category categoryID
Owner recruiterUserID
Status status
Type type
Source source
Position Title occupation
Company companyName
City city
State state
Zip Code zip
Country countryID
Country Code countryID - You can set a default country by using the countryID field mapping on the desired entity. A list of country codes can be found here.

Standard Sales Contact Fields

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
First Name firstName
Last Name lastName
Email email
Phone Number mobile (or phone if mobile is blank)
Owner recruiterUserID
Category categoryID
Status status
Owner recruiterUserID
Type type
Source source
Position Title occupation
Company clientCorporationID
City city
State state
Zip Code zip
Country countryID
Country Code You can set a default country by using the countryID field mapping on the desired entity. A list of country codes can be found here.

Standard User Fields

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Owner Email email
Owner First Name


Owner Last Name lastName
Owner Phone Number phone
Department departments

Standard Placement Fields

When adding or changing anything under this entity, you must be sure to update all tracks within Bullhorn ATS. If you do not update all tracks, your changes may not appear in Bullhorn Automation. For more information on tracks, see Creating Multiple Job, Placement, or Opportunity Tracks.

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Placement Client ClientCorporationID (found in Job field mappings)
Placement Job Title title (found in Job field mappings)
Placement Pay Rate payRate
Placement Salary salary
Placement Bill Rate clientBillRate
Placement Status status
Placement Employment Type employmentType
Placement Employee Type employeeType
Placement Date Added dateAdded
Placement Start Date dateBegin
Placement End Date dateEnd

Standard Submission Fields

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Submission Company ClientCorporationID (found in Job field mappings)
Submission Job Title title (found in Job field mappings)
Submission Pay Rate payRate
Submission Salary salary
Submission Bill Rate billRate
Submission Status status
Submission Owner sendingUserID

Standard Company Fields

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Sales Contact Company Name clientCorporationID
Status status

Standard Job Fields

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Job Title title
Job Published Description publicDescription
Job Employment Type employmentType
Job Status status
Job Open/Closed isOpen
Job Owner userID
Job City city
Job State state
Job Zip Code zip
Job Country countryID
Job Country Code countryID - You can set a default country by using the countryID field mapping on the desired entity. A list of country codes can be found here.
Job Start Date startDate
Job Is Public isPublic
Job Number of Openings numOpenings
Job Category categoryID

Miscellaneous Job Fields

When adding or changing anything under this entity, you must be sure to update all tracks within Bullhorn ATS. If you do not update all tracks, your changes may not appear in Bullhorn Automation. For more information on tracks, see Creating Multiple Job, Placement, or Opportunity Tracks.

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Users Assigned (found under Hidden Fields in your Bullhorn Integration Settings) assignments

Fields That Must Be Enabled for You

There are some fields that Bullhorn Automation Support must enable for you. Please reach out if you already use these fields in Bullhorn ATS and would like them to be synced to Bullhorn Automation:

Bullhorn Automation Field Name Bullhorn ATS Field Name
Industries businessSectorID
Specialties specialtyCategoryID
Skills skillID
Placement Commission User This is the only area of the Commissions tab Bullhorn Automation syncs with at this time.
Credentials See Credentialing for more information.