Copy Feature


The Copy feature allows you to copy automations, lists, and surveys to minimise busywork. This article explains how this feature works and includes answers to some frequently asked questions.

When you make a copy of an automation, list, or survey, Bullhorn Automation will open the new automation, list and survey and give the copied version the original name with 'COPY' added to the end.

Best Practise:

We recommend renaming the automation, list, or survey at the time of copying, as this ensures your instance has appropriate naming conventions, and reduces the risk of errors further down the line.

Copying Engagements

Bullhorn Automation will copy all engagement questions along with their individual question settings, and all settings detailed in the Engagement Settings area.

Copying Lists

The Copy List function only works for "Always Updated" list types. Bullhorn Automation will copy all list criteria and values detailed in your original list. The list will begin syncing once you have updated the list name and selected Save.

Copying Automations

Bullhorn Automation will copy all automation steps, step content and automation settings. When copying an automation containing a list and engagement specifically, the following will happen:


Bullhorn Automation will give you the option to copy the list associated to the automation, or not:

If you choose to copy the associated list, Bullhorn Automation will automatically create a copy of this list and name it the same as the original list with "COPY" added to the end.


If you have a Send Engagement step within the Automation you're copying, Bullhorn Automation will automatically create a copy of this engagement, with the original engagement name with "COPY" added to the end. It is this copied engagement that will be associated to your new copied Automation. and can be found in your Engagement List page.


Are there any limitations to the Copy feature?

  • The Copy feature cannot be used for automations containing A/B Testing.
  • You cannot copy One-Time Lists.
  • The Copy feature is currently only available for automations, engagements and lists - it cannot be used for Smart Tokens or other areas of the application.

Why am I receiving an error message when trying to copy my automation?

Most likely, there is already a list, engagement, or automation with the same name that Bullhorn Automation is trying to give to your new copy. No two lists, engagements, or automations can have the same name. This is why it's important to rename your copies at the time of creating, to avoid issues later.

For example, if you copy an automation called "Placed Candidates" Bullhorn Automation will call this "Placed Candidates COPY". If you then try to copy the same automation, Bullhorn Automation will try to add COPY to the end, but this will cause an Error because "Placed Candidates COPY" already exists.
If you are experiencing an error copying an automation that has a list or engagement associated, it may be the engagement or list name causing the error, not just the automation name.