Technology Setup - Email Domain Authentication


This article contains information to help you troubleshoot issues with email domain authentication.


Typically, getting your email domain authenticated is a smooth process. We provide an email of CNAME values that need to be entered into your domain DNS records. Once they have been entered, we verify they are correct and then we are good to go.

Occasionally, the records don't verify even when they are entered correctly. The most common cause is because your domain host is appending something automatically to the end of the CNAME values, causing the values to appear differently than they should.

For example, GoDaddy and DigitalOcean append your domain name automatically onto the end of all CNAME values. So the CNAME value "" becomes "" which is incorrect.

In such cases, you'd enter just the root value of the CNAME and leave everything else the same.

For example:

  • Instead of "" you'd enter "em789".
  • Instead of "" you'd enter "s1._domainkey".
  • Instead of "" you'd enter "s2._domainkey".

All the corresponding values to those CNAME entries would remain the same.

If you have done that and it is still not verifying, Bullhorn Automation Support can provide some common troubleshooting methods. However, every domain provider is different, and you may need to connect with your domain provider on the correct method to add the values.