Approve with External Document Upload


There may be times when an employee completes a document outside of Onboarding, such as a hand written hard copy. In instances like these, you can upload a scanned version of their hard copy to approve the document that was assigned to them.

Before You Begin

  • Only documents that contain a signature field are eligible for approval with external documents.
  • Administrators must have the appropriate permissions in order to use external documents for Onboarding.
Note: If you cannot access Admin tab or the ability to edit Administrator records, another Admin with those permissions can enable the feature for you.


  1. Navigate to the Employees tab.

  2. Locate the employee that submitted documents and select Binoculars next to their name to open their record.

  3. In the employee record, select Documents.

  4. In the employee's document list, locate the document to approve.
    There several options for narrowing your search:
    • The Showing filter lets you choose between showing all employee and placement documents, documents assigned to the Employee record, and documents assigned to specific placements.
    • Each of the column headers can be sorted and/or filtered to locate specific documents more easily.
  5. Choose Binoculars next to the document to open it.

  6. From the Actions menu, select Approve with External Doc.

  7. In the Approve with External Document popup, drag and drop or browse for the hard copy of the document that was completed externally.
  8. Select Upload and Approve to finish approving the document.