Before You Use Resume Manager Lightning Component Filters
For complete Resume Manager Lightning Component (RMLC) details, see Resume Manager Lightning Component.
To fully utilize the Resume Manager Lightning Component (RMLC) Filters, the following prerequisites must be met:
- The Org needs to be using 2023.08 Release - Package Version 6.97.2 package or newer.
- When upgrading to this or any post-security review package, specific post-deployment steps are required to ensure a smooth transition for the users. Contact Bullhorn Support for more information.
- You are using the RMLC.
- For details on how to add the RMLC, see Admin: Add Resume Manager Lightning Component to Page.
- User In Salesforce terminology, this is anybody that has login access to an instance. In BH4SF instances, usually the staff of recruiting companies access to TR1__Filter__c and TR1__Filter_Condition__c objects. Permissions must include:
- Read
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
If a user already has the ATSv2 In BH4SF, the newest version of the ATS tool (Application Tracking System) Permission Set assigned, no action is required.
Next Steps
To find out how to configure RMLC filters, see Admin: Add Resume Manager Lightning Component to Page.
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