Configure USAM Pagination

Pagination is available on each tab of the second (Results) panel.

By default, the pagination button is set to the “Top” of the results.The positionClosed A job (vacancy, position, role) is an opening for which a customer's client needs a placement. of the pagination buttons can be changed:

  • Navigate to Setup > Custom metadata types > Search & Match UI Configuration Custom Metadata Type > Manage Records > Pagination Position.

Pagination on Candidates Tab

Default Records Per Page Value

The default number of records to show per page is set from the “Search & Match UI Configuration” Custom Metadata Type

To configure the default number of records per page:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom metadata types > Search & Match UI Configuration Custom Metadata Type > Manage Records >Edit.
  2. Populate Records per Page field:
    • Default Values: 25, 50, 100, 200, 250.
  3. Click Save.