Configure USAM Sorting via TextKernel

The list of matched candidatesClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider. can be sorted by any column on any tab. The sorting will be applied once the user clicks on the column.

Sorting via TKClosed An abbreviation for Textkernel can be performed for any fields that are synced with TK and for all tabs except Favorites only or Exclusions only.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom metadata types > Search & Match Tab Configuration Custom Metadata Type > Manage Records > TextKernelClosed A Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud partner. One of the Search and Match / Resume Parsin services providers integrated with Bullhorn Recruitment Cloud Sortable Fields.
  2. Add the APIClosed API, or Application Programming Interface, is used by customers to create custom career portals or to take advantage of Data Mirror/DataMart. Bullhorn prefers to use REST API. name of the Contact Object field.
    • If the "fieldName" of a column is "RecordTypeId", then add "RecordType.Name" to "textKernelSortableFields".
    • If the field specified in the "fieldName" property is a Lookup (ex: "AccountId", "TR1__Hiring_Manager_Account__c"), then add "relationship_name.parent_object_name_field" to "textKernelSortableFields" (ex: "Account.Name", "TR1__Hiring_Manager_Account__r.Name").
    • If the "LastUpdated" column doesn't have a "fieldName" value specified, add "LastModifiedDate" to "textKernelSortableFields".
    • The "Ranking" and "RankingScore" columns are always sortable.
    • "AvailabilityClosed A Candidate's availability to work", "CV", "Favorite" and "Location" columns are not sortable.

As the sorting is performed by TextKernel, make sure that the needed field is synced.

  • Nova1 sync type: the connection record should be updated.

  • BHTK sync: Textkernel object configuration - Candidate should be updated.

To perform the search via the field, the mapping on the connection record should be updated for both types of sync.