USAM How To Search

Before getting into the configurations, you'll want to know how to search.


  1. Identify what entity you would like to search. Click on that appropriate tab.
  2. In the Filters pane, click dropdown that appears under your job name.
  3. Choose JBA Search or Search Job, depending on your preference.
    • This will open a new browsing tab.
      • The name of the of Job will appear in the new tab.
  4. In your Filter left-side pane, click the Data Source facet to expand it.
    • The Data Source has been automatically filled with the Job board with the Job name you had selected pre-filled.
  5. Your results will populate in the Results List center pane on the new screen.


  1. From the main screen, click on the contextual search bar.
    • The contextual search bar will auto-fill to assist you in your search.
  2. Enter the search term you would like to run your search for.
    • For example, you decide to use a keyword and search "manager".
  3. Select what you want the search to do. The options you can choose from are best divided into two groups:
    • Full Text: Click Full Text to opt to search exactly what you have entered everywhere.

    • Select What You Search: By choosing any of the other options, you can choose the location the word(s) you have entered are searched in.

      • These options are configurable in Textkernel.

  4. Your results are listed below in the Results center pane, if you have the Search set to run automatically.
    • Otherwise, you will have to click Search.
  5. If you would like to add additional search criteria, continue to add more terms into the contextual search bar.
    1. For example, "cities London."
  6. If you see a number next to the search (EX: +1) next to the search, it means the program has found a related term. Click the dropdown to see what it is.

  7. After your screen refreshes, click the dropdown next to your searched term again.
  8. Tick the checkbox of all of the qualifications for your candidateClosed A person looking for a job. A candidate can also be referred to as a Job Seeker, Applicant, or Provider..
  9. The program will display your results according to your preference, click one of these selections:
    1. Nice to Have: All candidates will be retrieved and they will be ranked.
    2. Should Have: All candidates will be retrieved but they will be ranked. The ones that meet the criteria in their resume will rank be ranked higher.
      • The bars shown under Ranking will display the idealness of match.
    3. Must Have: Only candidates meeting the selected qualifications will appear.
  10. The program will display your results according to your preference, click one of these selections:
    • Nice to Have, Should Have, or Must Have.
  11. Click Apply.

Saved Search

Searched can be saved per user for frequently used search criteria. Saving a search will save the criteria only, not the results.

  1. After you have completed your search, as shown above, click the gear icon dropdown.
  2. Click Save Search.
  3. In the Saved Search Manager modal, choose whatever checkboxes you prefer.
    •  When making your selections, please note the following:
      • Save As is Not Checked: The previously saved search will be overwritten with the current criteria.

      • Save As is Checked:The new search will be saved.

      • Remove All Favorites is Checked:The search will be saved without Favorites candidates even if any are marked.

      • Remove All Favorites is Not Checked:The search will be saved with all Favorites candidates.

      • Make default is Checked: The search will be set as default after saving.

      • If Match has been used for the search, you will see the additional following options:

        • Save Job with Search is Checked:The job will be saved to the search.

        • Save Job with Search is Not Checked:Only the criteria will be saved to the search, not the job.

  4. Click Save.

For more information on Match Search, see USAM Match Search.

Open Saved Search

When a Saved Search is opened all criteria will be populated to the corresponding filters, breadcrumbs will be displayed, and the corresponding criteria list of Candidates will be displayed, including Favorites and Exclusions.

  1. Click the gear icon dropdown.

  2. Click Open Saved Searches.
  3. Click Previously Saved Searches.
  4. Select the Saved Search you'd like to open.
    • To see the criteria of any of the Saved Searches, click Show.
    • To set a Saved Search as a default, click the Default toggle.
  5. Click Open.

Delete Saved Search

  1. Click the gear icon dropdown.
  2. Click Open Saved Searches.
  3. Click Previously Saved Searches.
  4. Click the trash bin icon of the Saved Search you'd like to delete.

Previously Saved Searches can be deleted via the bin button.

You can only delete your own search history.