Using the Placement Viewer

Placement Viewer is a troubleshooting tool for messages sent from the ATS/Front Office Integration (FOI) to the ATS Billing Sync for Pay & Bill. This tool can be used with both FOI 1.0 and 2.0. It can also be used to troubleshoot Rate Card clients and standard BH1 messages sent to Pay & Bill.

The Placement Viewer is enabled in all environments inside of Bullhorn Time & Expense. It is available to users with Admin level of access or those with the Placement Viewer role setting enabled. Use the steps below to locate and use the Placement Viewer.

  1. In the TMC, select Maintenance > Administration.
  2. Select Placement Viewer.
  3. Use the search panel to search by Assignment/Placement number (the most common method) or by External ID.
    • externalId = Timehistory..tbl, Emplnames.Record, Id_PlacementNumber (e.g. : 12345_89)
  4. Once the search is complete use the 3 tabs displayed to troubleshoot the issue at hand:
    • Billing Sync : BTE-->BH
    • Placement Summary in BTE

For information on fetching placements or using the discrepancy dashboard, see Fetch Placements and Reconciliation Dashboard.